Miraitchi&Clulutchi with different birthdays?!


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Well-known member
May 8, 2013
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The Aikatsu System
Miraitchi has her birthday on the 6-2 and Clulutchi has her birthday on 6-3 so they're twins with different birthdays pretty strange eh? also it is possible that they are mirror image twins due to their hairstyle and which hands they write with Miraitchi is left-handed and Clulutchi is right-handed at least it's what the anime has also someone on Piviv posted this and it has their birthdays on different days I think Miraitchi and Clulutchi are very unique twins I just wanted to show you guys this XD I guess this makes Miraitchi the older twin owo'


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That's weird, I thought Clulutchi was the older one because she has a lower pitched voice and acts more mature. o.o' I guess Clulutchi's egg took longer to hatch XD

And yeah they're mirror image twins because even their hairstyles face opposite ways

Dang it the photos aren't working heckkkk

You know I also thought Clulutchi was younger tbh owo

EDIT:I got the photo to work finalllyyy

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:eek: I wouldn't have guessed that.


P.S. By the way, did you draw that picture? It's really cute! :)

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Huh, I didn't know that. I thought they were hatched on the same day. :p

I still think Clulutchi is older; I'm going to assume their mother laid Clulutchi's egg first but it took extra long to hatch, so there 8)


:eek: I wouldn't have guessed that.


P.S. By the way, did you draw that picture? It's really cute! :)
No I found it on Pixiv

I still think Clulutchi is older; I'm going to assume their mother laid Clulutchi's egg first but it took extra long to hatch, so there 8)
Your opinion though owo; eh Miraitchi probably bumped her head when she was younger and maybe that's why she's not that really mature but idk you can be right owo;

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That's weird, I thought Clulutchi was the older one because she has a lower pitched voice and acts more mature. o.o' I guess Clulutchi's egg took longer to hatch XD

And yeah they're mirror image twins because even their hairstyles face opposite ways

I still think Clulutchi is older; I'm going to assume their mother laid Clulutchi's egg first but it took extra long to hatch, so there 8)
If they are truly identical, they must have been either hatched from the same egg, or split from the same zygote and formed into separate eggs. Seeing as their birthdays are a day apart, the latter must be true. It is also possible for a pair of identical twins to have different eye colors.

Also, age has less to do with maturity then you might think, especially when that age difference is less than 24 hours.

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