Misfit Magic: Cathy`s Long Lost Story Part 3


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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I`ve decided not to do summaries, so click here to see part two. Click here to see part one. Well, here goes the story!

I took my cell phone out of my pocket but before I could dial Joey, it rang. I answered it. It was Joey. "Lina, are you ok? Where are you?" he asked. "Look, I`m kidnapped and the only way I can think of to get out is to play a trick on this tamagotchi. Will you help?" There was a pause and then, "Well, what do you want me to do?" I told him, "You know that pretend well in my yard that I used to play with? I want you to fill it with water. The dirtiest water you can find. Also, put some glue and bubblegum in there while you`re at it. But mix `em in good." Another pause. "Ok, but why-" "There`s no time to explain." I cut in. "Just try to be quick! Cenel`s gonna get mad at me if I don`t do something soon." Immediately I heard,"Who`s Cenel?" "Hurry!" "Ok, I`m going," Joey finally said. I was relieved. I turned off the phone just as Cenel came in. "What were you saying and why did you have to yell it?" She asked. To tell you the truth, even though I didn`t like Cenel, I admired her up-front-ness. That means I like how she goes right out and says something without trying to go around it. "I was just telling him not to worry about me, and Joey didn`t believe me so I had to say it a bit loudly." I answered. "And I think I`m going to tell you our secret now." Cenel looked surprised. "Wow, that was quick," she said, matter-of-factly. "I had thought it would take longer. So what is it?" She said, the last part a little sharp. "A well." Immediately, "A well? Which well?" I responded, "The one near my house.The water in it looks dirty, but looks can be decieving. Poor it over yourself and it should form a crust. You can go home, say you`re sick, and the next day take a shower at exactly 12:00 noon, and when the crust comes off you should be very beautiful." I said it in only one or two breaths to make sure I didn`t get that flinch on my face that happens when I`m lying. "Anything else?" Cenel asked doubtfully. "Nope," I replied, and sighed. I don`t know why I sighed, I just did. Maybe it was because the whole thing was right out of a book. (Ok, I admit, it is a book. Actually, a short story, but it`s the thought that counts.) Then, Cenel started chewing on the end of a pencil, and when she was done chewing/thinking she said, "I don`t think I`m going to let you go just yet. If I do, You might tell everyone about how I kidnapped you before I get back here and lock the house up against police. I think I`ll wait until I`m back here, safe and sound. You ok with that?" I was kind of startled that she had asked me permission, but I just nodded meekly and said, "It`s not my decision, anyway."

To be continued
