Misfit Magic: Cathy`s Long Lost Story Part 6


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Nov 24, 2006
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Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part Four. Sorry I dont have Part Five!

I couldn`t believe my eyes. Cenel was actually giving up! I thanked the mailman profusely, and ran to the car to show Joey. When I got there, I practically flew up the front steps and pressed the doorbell about 15 times. "Ok, ok!" came Joey`s voice from inside, sounding pretty annoyed. "Man, these salespeople are impaitent!" I was completely out of breath when Joey came to the door saying, "For the last time, I don`t want to buy anything from Biggerisbett- oh Lina! It`s you! Why are you here so early?" "Cenel- gave- up!" I panted. "Wha-?!?!?!" I collapsed on the doormat and found it extremely itchy. So itchy in fact, that I jumped up and dropped the letter in a puddle. Then, Joey eyed me skeptically. "I`ll bet this is just April Fool`s, isn`t it?" "Huh?" April Fool`s? Man, time flies! "You know, the day where people play tricks? Whoopie cushions? Ring and run? Prank phone calls?" Oh, yeah. Cenel didn`t have a calendar at her house, so I had forgotten all about it. But this wasn`t an April Fool`s joke. "Joey, I swear I`m serious! Cenel sent a letter! Here, I`ll show you," I retrived the letter from the puddle, and gingerly unfolded it. After a little shaking, I handed it to Joey. "Hmm, looks like it says, 'Not Lina, I new trick momen tol ridlos story. Nevr shold tused yo. I coud kinap agan, I lok so hoifngy ugly hat I dn`t dare sow my fac in pulic. Ut soeday, wil gt revng. Ou`ll be ory, Cenel. Let`s see I could translate that to... no that dosen`t make sense... no, she wouldn`t say that... Aha! I`ll bet it says, Not-so-dear-Lina, I knew it was a trick from the moment I saw you," Joey translated the rest of the letter perfectly, even though it was soaking wet. I was amazed. "Wow! How did you do that?!" I exclaimed. Joey shrugged. "Just practice, I guess. But do you realize how amazing you are?" I was shocked. Me, amazing? I was a misfit, an oddball, but nothing amazing. "What me? Never! I`m just... different, that`s all. Pretty plain, actually." Now it was Joey`s turn to look shocked. "You call that scheme plain? It worked out perfectly! And you didn`t even plan the last part! Why, I think this is worthy to make a book!" That got me thinking. I had only read a few books in my life, and the best one had a plot a little like this. I had gotten it on my tenth birthday. My tenth birthday... my tenth birthday... why did that phrase keep nagging me. Then it came to me. "Of course!" I smacked myself on the forehead. "What is it?" asked Joey. "Today is my birthday! I can`t believe I didn`t notice before!" "Well, happy birthday Lina!" was Joey`s reply. "And... I know you might not want to do this on your B-day, but didn`t we have a date scheduled?" I smacked myself again."Oh geez, I can`t remember anything anymore. Is there anything else I`m forgetting? Like I got elected president today?" Joey thought for a minute, then said, "Nope. You`re good. Lemme just get my shoes on and we can go." He went inside and a moment later rushed out the doorway and took my hand. "Shall we leave?" he asked me in a funny voice. "We shall," I answered back, and we went skipping hand and hand towards the ice cream shop.


Well, now you know my story. It took a pretty long time for Joey to persuade me to write about all of my adventures. And an even longer time for him to propose to me. I won`t go into the wedding details, except that afterwards we shared my house with the well, and had three kids who never ever had to go to a boring Meme school. It all boils down to, we lived happily ever after. The End.
