Missing my friend. :/


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
So back in November, I stayed the night for my friends slumber party. I said some rather, inappropriate stuff (Even though I always did at her place)

Next day, I got the girl mad [if I was fully awake, I most likely wouldn't have] and her Grandma told my dad everything I had said previously. The girl took her grandmothers side, I said something I HORRIBLY regret now. "Well fine! I NEVER want to see you AGAIN."

So yeah, about 4 months later I miss her more than anything. I'm way to scared to call her, mainly because of her grandmother.

In short; How am I supposed to fix this? I tried apologizing on DeviantART but got ignored.

See her in person. You won't have to deal with her grandmother, and it will mean much more to both of you.

Talk to her in person.

Call her up and set up a place and time to meet, or something.

In my opinion, trying to apologize or do anything genuine over text, or over the computer is completely spineless.

If I were her, I'd much rather the person be genuine enough to say what they have to say in my face.

Wow. You guys really have some stuff to work out.

My friends and I always say inappropriate stuff at sleepovers. xD It's never been such a big deal. But yesh, you will need to call her. Or speak to her in person. Either way, she must have been a pretty good friend for you to miss her that bad. Talk to her.

When I say inappropriate, I don't mean it in a 'I hate you' way. Just a joking way. Her grandma apparently doesn't like the fact I say the stuff, despite her granddaughter already knows about it.

I would see her in person if I had a car, she lives a little to far away to walk xP I want to see if she even cares before I call. I was going to have my friend Sarah call her for me on three way so I could listen in. But either her phone number got DC'd or she don't accept *67 numbers...

... I want to see if she even cares before I call. I was going to have my friend Sarah call her for me on three way so I could listen in. But either her phone number got DC'd or she don't accept *67 numbers...
Just a thought... but really if you genuinely miss her and want to apologise, it really shouldn't matter if she cares or not and it shouldn't be the basis on which you decide if you should apologise or not.

How about a short letter by good old snail mail? You have her address don't you (since you went to a slumber party)?

It doesn't have to be all dramatic or gushy or sappy. Just simple, polite and sincere.

Be prepared for the fact that you won't be forgiven.

But if she doesn't want to know, then it is her loss and you have made the right move to apologise for your behaviour. That's pretty much all you can do :angry:

Good Luck

How about a short letter by good old snail mail? You have her address don't you (since you went to a slumber party)?
Snail mail actually is a good idea. I send mail to my cousin who lives across the country all the time. It's much more exciting to receive than just an email, and it is more genuine.

Snail mail actually is a good idea. I send mail to my cousin who lives across the country all the time. It's much more exciting to receive than just an email, and it is more genuine.

I love receiving letters :3

It makes me feel loved.

Hmm, I did something I really regret now to my (ex) best friend last week. I wrote a note to my friend Abby when I got mad at my ex best friend Courtney saying that Courtney was jealous of Abby and is a liar and blah blah blah. So for whatever reason, Abby showed Courtney the note. Abby's not that sharp, but whatever. Courtney's mom probably hates me now, and Courtney's mom is a teacher for a class that I just happen to have to take this semester.

Courtney and I are apparently just "friends" now and not best friends (I apologized to her via another note xD) but I'm sure she'll crack next week when we go back to school. She is really bad at holding grudges.

ANYWAY, enough of my own problems. You should probably write her a note if you're afraid to talk to her. If you don't want to have to wait a few days for her to see it, write it in school, and have one of your friends deliver it to her in the hall or during class (don't get caught!). Just write how genuinely sorry you are, and how you were just mad when you said that you never wanted to see her again.

Make it a really heartfelt apology, and she might want to be friends again.

Everybody fights.


Don't immedietly go to her house and say "Hey! Lets go back to how we were before!!"

Do small things.

Add her on Bebo/MSN and start a convo with her.

A "Hey, how are you? I'm so bored.." should do the trick.

Then she would reply.

Then maybe you could say hi to her in school and sit next to her in class.

And then you could go back to hanging out sometimes.

Work your way up is what I recommend.

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