*ML*'s Log!


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2006
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I just opened my Purple Lava lamp v4.5 today, and so far it just evolved into a Tamatchi. It's name is Peeka, named after this wingull nicknamed Peeko from Pokemon Sapphire.


Hungry: ****


Training: |

Funny: 0

Glamourous: 4

Spirit: 8

Age: 0

Weight: 27 lbs. (gotta get it down!)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

Favorite Color: yellow, purple, pink (I have no idea why I put that there...)

When you see text in purple, that's Peeka talking.

Hi! My name is Peeka and I am happy to be the owner of *ML*! I'm glad that i've evolved so I can float around the screen. My story is when I was an egg, *ML* pulled out my egg tab, and I hatched! I was a happy little baby, playing climb all day because it was fun. Everytime I fell, I landed back in *ML*'s arms. Then suddenly, I felt like my stomach was doing backflips. Then the next thing I knew, I was a Tamatchi! Now I am a happy, slightly overweight Tamatchi. I really like the music coming from this thing called TV, as *ML* calls it. She calls the song Hystieria 2001, and it comes from this game called Dance Dance Revolution Max 2. AUGH! HER BROTHER TURNED IT INTO THIS SONG CALLED AFRONOVA AND I HATE IT! Bye bye for now!

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Hi! I'm still the same old stats, and Mommy is planning to make the holder I came in into a nice comfy bed. She knows how to crochet, but she only knows how to make chains. So she's going to see if she can convince Grandma (*ML*'s mom) into buying some clay. *ML* really knows how to move around the site and take care of tamas. She's had 4 v4's, 1 v3 which was her first one, and I am the 6th tama she's had and her first v4.5! g2g! Gotta lose weight.

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Yay! I have just entered Pre-k! I spent some time with Uncle Billy (That's *ML*'s brother, and that's not his real name. She changed it for privacy purposes). He is shorter and younger than *ML*. He had tamas too, but he only had a v3 and a v4. I'm in my holder right now, and I like how *ML* tucks my keyring under me. She is currently checking my shell for scratches. She noticed that the star on my antenna was kind of loose, but she decided not to mess with it because she's messed with broken things when she was little, and they completely broke.

What a fun day! I went to the school carnival.


Hungry: ****


Training: |

Funny: 0

Glamourous: 4

Spirit: 8

Age: 0

Weight: 27 lbs. (gotta get it down!)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

When I went to the school carnival, *ML* put me in her pocket. I could see through the cloth. She threw some wet sponges at the principal. I wish I could do that to my teacher. She got her hair colored. Well that's all for now!

Yay! Peeka evolved into a Zouritchi! I have mastered Tug-o-war, but climb is hard!


Hungry: ****


Training: ||||

Funny: 26

Glamourous: 15

Spirit: 30

Age: 1

Weight: 23 lbs. (gotta get it down!)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

Wow! I can't belive I'm a Zouritchi! Mommy's planning to take me to Tamatown to show me off and to watch Fear. It's Mama and Tama time!


Hungry: ***


Training: |||||

Funny: 30

Glamourous: 33

Spirit: 34

Age: 1

Weight: 30 lbs. (whoops)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

I'm back from Tamatown! I had lots of fun. *ML* got 5 souviniers, and I played Tama Pizza with her, and boy, was she good! I went to the hospital, and she bought me a ball! She also made me a pouch from a sheet of paper! But soon, it's going to be beat up, so she's going to Target to buy me a bouch!











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Peeka is now an adult!


Hungry: ***


Training: full

Funny: 46

Glamourous: 75

Spirit: 41

Age: 3

Weight: 44 lbs. (whoops)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

Glitches: none

Yay! I'm a Tsukkomitchi! I wanted to be a Primatchi, but oh well. She woke me up and realized I was an adult! I can do lots of stuff now. I can go on flights, play the trumpet, use the pen, ect. I'm waiting for the matchmaker. I'm easy to take care of now, I hardly ever poo and I don't beep for attention much. I love my pouch, and I like watching her sing in choir. All her friends love me now, I'm popular! Gotta go, *ML* has to go to sleep.

*sigh* Finally logged in.


Hungry: ***


Training: full

Funny: 46

Glamourous: 75

Spirit: 41

Age: 3

Weight: 44 lbs. (whoops)

Gender: Girl

Gen.: 1

Glitches: none

Character: Tsukkomitchi

It was kinda cold at recess today. I'm bored. I want to read a log. *ML*'s fingers hurt. Bye!
