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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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This is a the story going on in my life right now- and at the end, I'm going to ask you a question.

April was one of my real good friends. She hates me 'cause I'm dating her brother, and she called me a... word that related to prostitute and a female dog :/ She also says I'm only dating him for attention, and he's only using me 'cause I'm the only girl he'll ever get.

Her brother, Andrew... he's the nicest guy ever. He's allergic to wheat, and has some problems (anger management) but he's perfectly fine otherwise. There's nothing wrong with him like she says.

I apologized and everything, even though everyone told me not to. I asked her why she wouldn't be my friend again, and she called me the name I mentioned earlier.

Here's my question.

Who's right, and who's wrong?

[Give a reason.]

When related to an argument, right and wrong do not exist. One person thinks they're right and the other thinks they're wrong. But, instead of asking who's right, think about how to solve the problem. Is there any reason that she would be mad at you? Is she protective of her brother? Is there any reason she would not approve of you? And did you maybe do something before that could have offended her that may or may not have to do with her brother? The answers may provide insight to your problem...


You're in the right. Shes in the wrong.

If you really like her brother and he likes you back then she shouldn't stand in the way of it.

She should either accept it or get over herself.

Unless you did something wrong that you aren't telling us about then you're in the right.

It could be she's being rude based on fear, or that she sees a different side to her brother that you don't(and maybe refuse or deny to see).

When I say fear, I mean that she may feel threatened that because you're dating her brother, you'll be spending more time with him rather than with her.

Now, what I mean about the second part before I get yelled at, is that generally in relationships people see what they want to see, and block out flaws. There may be something more to him that your friend has seen, that you may have looked past or ignored. You also have to remember, she knows her brother a LOT better than you do. She's had years to see what he's like and how he acts.

Although she had absolutely no right to call you names and treat you badly for dating her brother, she may just not know how to express how she actually feels about it.

I've found dating friend's siblings is generally a bad idea, as it usually breaks original friendships for multiple reasons.

The only thing I can really suggest is try talking to her rationally about the situation, hear her side of the story, but just don't retaliate to her insults. It could in the end make things much worse than they need to be.

You're right.


If she's that obsessed with you dumping her brother then she obviously is wrong. She should be happy for you and for her brother. You shouldn't have to apologize for liking him.

Last year I told my best friend who she liked.

April told me this was her "revenge"

She's made me cry three times.

Spanish, because she was all "why my brother, there's so much wrong with him."

In LAL, "let him go, he's not worth it."

In Art, she accused me of not really liking him again.

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