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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2006
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I really want to do some modelling but my mom suggested that I did some research on it first and that, I wondered if anyone could reccomend, advise, inform me on anything?

I do not know anything about modeling but I'm sure there are thousands of great resources just a google away.

Google has everything. O:

Do what Tamaw/pants said. GOOGLE IS THE KEY..... o_O I almost went into modeling, because I'm the perfect canidate, in all of my tallness. My mom decided no, because it can really mess you up, emotionally.



Before you go into modelling, you need to first make sure that you are emotionally stable. As x.N e o n said, modelling can really damage your self-esteem and your emotional state if you ever get turned down. The modelling industry critisizes, critisizes, critisizes. You need to be able to take critic, make use of it, and move forward if you want to be able to make in the industry. If you can't take people telling you that you're not good enough, and you need to change, than this industry probably isn't for you.

I watch America's Next Top Model reruns all the time. You should look into watching them. Every so often, MTV will put on a marathon. Take advantage of that. It's not nessicarily how modelling is in the, "real world," because you're not going to get spoon fed everything like they pretty much do for the contestants. But you can learn a lot from just watching them.

Then I'd ask around. Do you have any extended family that has modelled? Friends? If you can find anyone, I'd talk to them and hear there personal experiences from being in the proffession.

Other than that, just look around to see what agencies are near you and what they're looking for. See how much travel will be involved and what you'd be modelling for. The daughter of someone my mom worked did manikin modelling. Do you want to do that? Or do you want to do the runway/photo shoots?

And, you'll definately want to use Google.

Google is your friend. <3

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It causes lots of pressure and it could cause a real break down.I want to go into writing.I love to read and write so I want to be an author.So if you really can take the pressure and have your mind REALLY set to it like I do to reading and writing.I guess you shouldn't have a problem.

Actually, I have wanted to be a model before. I'm skinny enough, that's for sure, and I can take criticism easily, I've certainly got the attitude.

The few things I would be missing are:

- The ability to walk in a straight line without tripping.

- A good modeling agency.

- No acne!

- Straight Teeth! D8

ahaha, that's all.

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Modelling. The career of always looking good and posing in various clothes that aren't yours, having your face seen in magazines and catalogues. It sounds fun and tempting, especially if you love showing off new clothes and looks and getting seen, but it's also very difficult. The job revolves entirely about how you look on the inside. Your personality, thoughts and ideas and who you really are don't matter. You can't see that in photographs. There's always a huge pressure on you to look perfect, and that in itself can be very hard. As others said, it can be very emotionally exhausting.

Despite how shallow this sounds, because everybody is beautiful in their own way, modelling careers only pick the prettiest. You have to look gorgeous and slim to project the right image of their clothes/make up/whatever they are selling, and if you're turned down you can feel quite...worthless.

However, I have a friend who is a model and she loves it. Why?? Because she doesn't let the pressure get to her. She knows that she's beautiful, she stays healthy, etc, and the camera loves her!! I hope things out for you as well!! Good luck! =3


EDIT: Typo..

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I really want to do some modelling but my mom suggested that I did some research on it first and that, I wondered if anyone could reccomend, advise, inform me on anything?
all i know about modeling is that u pose on the walk way while u walk, and then that's all i know.........

^ Wow, I bet that helped. (Jk!)
Is Pussycat actually checking back on this topic..?
Does it matter that much? I mean this question probably has come up for a few people out there so this topic probably would benefit.

You have to be at least 5'8". Luckly I'm 5'9" now. I'm just shooting up like a rocket :]

Thats too much pessure. You'd have people telling you how to be all the time.

Google if you really want to be in that sorta place...

My dad told me I should be a model, but I really don't want to. Just not ''for'' me. And a lot of the time modelling focuses on looks and not personality. I suggest thinking about it deeply. You may be the centre of attention, but it may be in the ''wrong'' type of way. As other people said, modelling can really ruin your emotinal stability. Think about this deeply and don't rush into things.

~illiey :]

My dad told me I should be a model, but I really don't want to. Just not ''for'' me. And a lot of the time modelling focuses on looks and not personality. I suggest thinking about it deeply. You may be the centre of attention, but it may be in the ''wrong'' type of way. As other people said, modelling can really ruin your emotinal stability. Think about this deeply and don't rush into things.

~illiey :]
Yup~You're right~You actually have to be ready first~Like my elder sister, she's a model and a celebrity. It's really hard, so be careful~ :)


I never wanted to be amodle and never will.I feel ugly because my parents are always giving attention to other people.Im not used to it because im an only child but my dad and mom keep saying "Oh shes cute or oh,shes sooo smart"they called me smart and pretty but not like that and never that much.):

I really want to do some modelling but my mom suggested that I did some research on it first and that, I wondered if anyone could reccomend, advise, inform me on anything?
I am model!! For real, not kidding!

Well, in training, actually. You'll have to know a few things:

1. Personality DOES matter. You can't frown on the runway.

2. If you're not allowed to wear make-up, you can't do modeling.

3. They WILL teach you behind the scenes stuff, like ettiquette and skin care.

4. At one point, you will have a PHOTO SHOOT during your training.

5. At one point, you will have a FASHION SHOW with AN AUDIENCE during your training.

6. DO NOT sign up for a small-town agency.

7. I highly reccomend John Casablancas Modeling, because they will teach you all these things.

8. It costs A LOT of money. It cost about $2,300 for my 6-month training.

9. Most important: HAVE FUN!!



You have to be at least 5'8". Luckly I'm 5'9" now. I'm just shooting up like a rocket :]
WRONG! If you're under 16 you can be whatever height. What you're talking about is for ADVANCED HIGH FASHION MODELING, where you have to be at least 13.

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