Mom + Dad = Life Stinks!


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
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[SIZE=8pt]My parents HATE me.[/SIZE]


Why? I can't get a cat.


One dog; a nice, friendly one. She is scared of a puppy way younger then her. My other dog, mean, but he just sleeps, growls, and eats.


But my parents STILL won't get me one! ;)

Parents aren't that bad. At the end of the day they're the ones who look after you and do all kinds of things fro you. Where would you be without them? I tell you trouble. They can be really annoying at times. My dad doesn't like cats but I don't mind.

I know it doesn't seem fair at times but try not over react just because they don't do one thing for you. :D

ST ;)

No one understands!

I LUV cats. They're my fave animal. I always play with kats at the chance. But lucky for me, my parents hate 'em. > ;)

Well, perhaps you could keep one in your room :blink: You could save up money for a cat, buy one, and buy all the supplies. Keep your cat in your room, and it's supplies. It worked for me when I was 12 ^_^

I like cats. Mum keeps saying were going to get. Personally I don't mind.

You're still overeacting. Your parents don't hate you...just cats. I personally can't stand dogs and I'm terrified of them. My dad dislikes pets fullstop and I'm afraid of alot of animals.

Plenty of people understand and maybe one day your parents will come round to the idea.

No one understands!
I LUV cats. They're my fave animal. I always play with kats at the chance. But lucky for me, my parents hate 'em. > :blink:
My mom loves cats and I wasn't allowed to have my own either. And, with you have dogs, of course they won't let you. Especially since you yourself said the one growls and is mean.

If you got a kitten/cat, it'd probably get picked on and hurt--that's not nice and the fact you even want to bring a cat into that situation is ridiculous.

I no longer live with my parents and have 4 cats.

I suggest you follow the rules, don't make a fuss (as it just makes it worse) and wait until you move out.

Sad, but that's life.

I could keep it in my room.

My parents said I'm never getting a cat EVER. They wish. :blink:

[SIZE=8pt]My parents HATE me.[/SIZE] 

Why? I can't get a cat.


One dog; a nice, friendly one. She is scared of a puppy way younger then her. My other dog, mean, but he just sleeps, growls, and eats.


But my parents STILL won't get me one! :blink:
I hate when people say that.

You know how lucky you are that you have BOTH your mom and dad, your very lucky. I don't have a dad, he left two years ago and never came back. THey don't hate you just because they won't let you get a cat. No parent could possibly hate their child.

So instead of whining because you can't have yet another thing, consider the situation. You act like you've always got what you've wanted, and you don't get one thing, so you blow up in a tantrum.

What are you gon na do next, give your own parents the silent treatment?

WannaBex3's Big Sis Jane

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You hate your parents because they wouldn't let you have a cat? That's really low.

If they don't like cats, then respect that. They are the parents, they make the rules. And until you move out, you'll have to respect those rules and not get so mad at them for silly things like this.

Did you consider your parents side of the story?

Do you know how foul a house will smell without the proper care of an animal such as a cat or dog? Dogs don't use litter boxes or toilets, and it's either you or the parent who cleans up the poo. And unless you are the ultimate dog trainer (Which I assure you aren't) your dog will end up peeing on the carpet and over time that requires steam cleaning which is a pain in the neck. Do you know how much animals cost? A kitten can be $200 and a dog can be up to $2000 (that's for a purebred, a designer dog would probably be more like 200-400, unless you plan on adopting from a shelter). You have to get the animal neutered, vaccinated, licensed and given a check up every year (Plus extra medication monthly. Do you know how costly that is?). Scheduled grooming is absolutely necessary, because they clean your dog in ways you wouldn't even know existed. That isn't free of charge and the pet isn't magically transported there.

What if your parents simply don't want another animal? What if they think that you don't care for your current pet very well, and assume that another pet will be the same story? Another grouchy, mean dog in the house? No way. And, normally, the only reason dogs behave like that is how they were handled in their childhood.

Your parents loved you enough to get you your first pet, and now, all of a sudden, because of one minor decision, your entire life stinks? And it's ALL your parents fault? Harsh.

Well...maybe they think you dont take care of your dogs! maybe they dont think you can take care of a cat. do you think you take care of your dogs? How about a cat? Do you think you can take care of 2 dogs PLUS a cat?

I've had a messed up day anyways..

What makes me really mad about this topic is that you have been talking about wanting a cat for over months, and just because your parents won't get you one, doesn't mean they hate you.

If there was no Mom and Dad you wouldn't even be alive.

If there is an animal shelter close to your house you could go there and ask if there is a cat socializing program that you could join, and if you think 'life stinks' just because you can't get what you want.....well, I can see why they don't want you to get a pet just yet.

I could keep it in my room.
My parents said I'm never getting a cat EVER. They wish. :lol:
You're obviously not responsible enough to get a cat by the way you're acting.

Locking it in your room with dogs outside your door, roaming free and scratching at the door to get the cat... Yeah, it'll have a heart attack and die the first day.

It's really mean to want to put a cat through that. :)

I like the idea of a socializing program, assuming you can be mature about it.

I could keep it in my room.
My parents said I'm never getting a cat EVER. They wish. ^_^
Unfortunately Cats need a lot more than one room to move around and keep themselves entertained. It would be a wise long term solution. Cats need space.

Why not just abide your parent's wishes and just wait until you're old enough to be on your own? I think you are overreacting. I'm sure they have a logical reason for it. You said yourself you have one dog that's easily frightened and one dog that's grumpy a lot (mean).

Think about it and what you mentioned in this topic. Would you really think your parents would want to deal with all that insanity in adjusting all the animals to one another? Plus the fact you made it lcear in your posts you bothered them quite a bit about this a few times, and my guess is they obviously don't feel you're mature enough to handle another pet at this time.

Perhaps instead of looking for schemes to get a cat, why not just wait and leave the parents be. If you prove to them you aren't going to be a pest on this and in addition are responsible, then someday you could get one. In the meantime though settle down.

My mom loves cats and I wasn't allowed to have my own either. And, with you have dogs, of course they won't let you. Especially since you yourself said the one growls and is mean.
If you got a kitten/cat, it'd probably get picked on and hurt--that's not nice and the fact you even want to bring a cat into that situation is ridiculous.

I no longer live with my parents and have 4 cats.

I suggest you follow the rules, don't make a fuss (as it just makes it worse) and wait until you move out.

Sad, but that's life.
I have 5 cats and a dog. That doesn't make a difference, in my opinion.

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