Moments you won't forget?


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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2009
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Do you have any moments you know you'll never forget?

Mine was last night.

My mom decided to get drunk up at the festival. Andres, Jose, Joey and Alafia walked us home. Even after everyone else left, Andres stayed. I sat on his lap while my mom threw a fit inside. Just sitting there, in his arms meant so much to me. Then he got in trouble because he wasn't supposed to leave the festival. I felt bad. But standing in my front yard with him telling me he loved me, and never wanted to see me hurt... That's not something you're likely to forget.

So, what're some of yours?


My 'Jazz on The Town' performance. c:

My Band Fest.

My Spring Band Concert (I won an award!!! c: )

And the night my crush said good-bye to me (right after a concert)


When my friend asked me if I was really leaving ;o;

- At the start of the year, we had to walk to the beach to clean up the shore for school =\ The walk back was amazing. My friend ditched me and my other friend to go walk with other people, so we decided to go walk with the boys. It was quite fun =3

There's others, but my brain's not working right now.

This year in general.

Best.Year.Of.My.Life. There's too much stuff that's happened to explain in one small post. All my friends and family have been here, and almost no bad things have happened. I guess this year is just incredibly memorable.

Early morning of Christmas Day 2008. 'Twas the day I finished making Sooslik, the sock ball which I treasure for some unknown reason. And my whole family was together, everyone was having fun and it was just something I'll never forget.. ever.

I have heaps.

Meeting Katie, and going to school with her everyday to follow Luke around.

Meeting Luke.

These past few years have really just been really good.

I'm gonna get really lame here... Dx

But I'll try to be breif.

Something happened with me, and it was kind of horrible. And so my friend came over that night. He wasn't supposed to be there, and I wasn't supposed to be outside, but he came to my neighborhood. And he just kind of took me into his arms and I cried. Just kind of sobbed into the base of his neck for a while. I actually don't know how long I was there. This one streetlamp buzzing on the opposite side of the street was pretty much the only thing that lit it, lazy yellow light that didn't quite reach my house. And I just cried and she just held me. it was amazing, and I know that sounds ridiculous. But I'd never forget that.

And then, finding out a few weeks later from a mutual friend that he died.

I'll never forget that either.


I remember once, not too long ago, I was up really late, and so was Kyle. We were bored and hungry and had like, nothing to cook with, so we just just drove... It was so good.

We went to Night Owl and got stuff, then moved Dad's old lounge outside and stayed out there all night. It was a really hot summer night too.

And then going to the beach with Ky and staying there all night just on the beach.

So good.

Definately that night where we ended up running down the main road, bare foot, holding our shoes, scared crapless at 3am.

Running into the glass and leaving nose prints at the exact same time + all of that amazing, funny night.

That afternoon when I met him <33

the day i found out my best friend was planning to commit suicide(i stopped her of course)

the first time i had to go to court

my whole entire sophomore year of highschool

when this guy i had a crush on in the eighth grade asked me out...and i said no

and when i went to japan last trip ever:)

and everything that happens with my best friends....those memories i will remember forever:)

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Bandfest. I met the only guy who really understands me there. And yet, I might not ever see him again.

Two years ago when I liked this guy, his friends told me he liked me. Nothing happened between us, but I'll always remember that.

When I mooned a car when I was 5 xD

Narrabeen camp. Best 3 consecutive days of my life.

2009 is the best year of my life; I'll never forget anything.

Well 2009; amazing.

It's been the worst & best year of my life, & it's not over yet.

Also, the end of 2008; when I met him :]

But the best day, is when he stalked me all day & spent 8hours with me. a m a z i n g.

All the truly great times me & my bestfriends have had. Sneaking out at 4am, not sleeping for 2days,

walking for an hour on main road pathements with no shoes on, then falling on the floor for like half an hour.

Going to the cinema with my 2 bestfriends, & singing outside shops [old 80s songs]. & so many more random

times with them. They rock, my losers. xx

Well, my best friend's "boyfriend"(this was 4th grade so I'm using the term loosely) had turned out to be a skeeving pig and a player. One day, after he broke up with her she came to my house. And then we just sat on the porch listening to The Best D*mn Thing by Avril Lavigne.

Now, we're not as close as we used to be, but I can always remember that.

Bandfest. I met the only guy who really understands me there. And yet, I might not ever see him again.
Two years ago when I liked this guy, his friends told me he liked me. Nothing happened between us, but I'll always remember that.

When I mooned a car when I was 5 xD
.... I think I forgot to add band fest. ._.' That was when Stalker didn't hit me with his Bari. D<

When I made big mistake with one of my friends.

And when most of my old friends on tamatalk left this site.

That night me&ksenia made RWN. It was April 14th :) One of the first nights I stayed up really late.

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