More about Tamagotchi-School!


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
Here, in this link there is some more information on the Tamagotchi School Tamagotchi.

Clicking on the green button beneath the image (links here) is another BanDaiTV movie on it. I understood a few words er... Tamagotchi, SenSei, Hai and Dazu. xD So informative, ahahaha.

Well, if anyone could care to translate/explain more about it, I would be very happy to know.

Oh yes - in the video it also shows two designs, a pink with white, and the blue we have already seen!

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From what I could figure out from the video...

-Some of the minigames were shown

-Can download characters from Entama and Uratama

-Apparently, your class is ranked and you have to bring the rank up

Pretty much looking like the Tamagotchi equalivent to Digimon's Digiwindow, but I'm still excited. I'll be getting two Entamas soon, and seen as how we'll be able to download Entama characters into this thing, I'll order it for Christmas. Even if the Wii has to wait. <_<

Since it is in Japenese form, I think I should translate it by using another site :huh:

Bandaged will market from November 23 new Tamagotchi. The goal is from now on to become professor of Tamagotchi School, and to either play the part of a “relative” while making grow his baby-Tamagotchi. Like Tamagotchi More, Tamacotchi School has an infra-red module of communication to exchange data with other Tamagotchi.The design of Tamagotchi slightly changed: it always has the oval shape of an egg, but it is held horizontally, and either with the vertical. A cursor in the shape of cross made its appearance, because the required actions from now on are varied a little and complicated.

As a professor, it will be necessary for you to take care that your class is not deserted by the pupils. 130 categories of pupils exist. Small plays, corresponding to the questions put by pupils, enable you to progress in the classification indicating the best class for little than you make a success of the plays. These plays are very simple: arithmetic puzzles, missing letters in a word to be guessed, experiments of sciences where products should be mixed suitably and at good time… etc… In all, not less than 6 types of small puzzles are proposed. The module of communication makes it possible to accomodate in your class of new pupils, coming from another class thanks to a friend who also has Tamagoctchi School, or that could be Tamagotchi which was born, was raised and grew in Tamagotchi Plus before being transferred. It is also possible to temporarily transfer a pupil right for a competition (questions put in the blackboard or contest of the pupil which eats as soon as possible)
If you want to see a few pictures of the Tamagotchi school , you can click on this link


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