Mo's v5 Blog ^^;


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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2008
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Kitchen Counter top Table thing o__o
I got an early start this morning @ 7:20 am , knowing I would un-tab my v5 tamagotchi.

I started it @ 7:31 am. I entered the usual stuff ( though the screen is wider and the tone of the beeps are different ). All the eggs hatched. I have two boys and one girl. ( mimifuwatchi , futabatchi , and a omututchi ) We played lots of games. ( I can only play tea time and Tv surfing ) Soon we bought a cracker from the store. A little while after I fed it to them they made this face. I took them to the bather room and the girl baby used the toilet ( must be akward having all ther other little tamas stare at her , poor thing ).

Right before I was ready to take a shower , i heard this music, this strange strange music , and thats when I knew they were evolving! Yay! ^^; They evolved into mousetchi , torotchi , and ahirukutchi.

When I push the C button they just look @ each other like " what the heck are you doing here ?!? ". so yah. 0% bonding

Anyways , we are going to Tama Town now , but before I go , here are their status'.

Bonding : 0%

Characters :mousetchi , torotchi , and ahirukutchi.

Shell Design : Abstract purple , lime green , white.

Version: 5

Family Name : Lucky

Blendid family

For comments please pm me ~

9:30 am

Aww ! Mousetchi is talking to the fridge ! ( or looking for something to eat )

* edit *

10:00 am

the little darlings called for training , however , the bonds are still 0%

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I went to Tama-zone and got passwords for every item!!! I just used them to get the foods though. So now I have all the food possible ^^

in about an hour they should call for training and hopefully their bonding will raise.


11:54 am

I got more items.

pretty soon the triplets will call for training.

i took them to tama town , played games , got 100 points.

I also got 1000 points from using binary cheat codes ! ( THANKS BINARY )

12:00 pm

Just as I suspected , they called for training again. I did the tamberiine and they cheerfully sang along. STILL NO BONDS. Well , i'll be pateint with the little once. Their in adolecence &gt;____&gt;

12:36 afternoon

At twleve thirty I expected some animation from my mousetchi. But no .. Just all three character bumpin and bouncin around. I fed them a cracker and some milk ( exactly what I am eating ^^ )

not much is happening , we visited Tama Town again and played a couple games.


Feel free to PM comments to me and i'll post them on my log. business is really slow o__o


2:eek:5 pm

They called for training! Now they have 10% bonding .but the animation wont change till they get 20 %

so far , they've only pooed and got sick. I fed them some mochi , which really didnt affect them.

I've been playing more games though. I have no idea what to do with my points. I dont have anough to buy anything , all I cal do i keep playing.


now , about my log. i've been trying to make it better , im sorry its not as good as some other members. This is really for me to keep track , more than my audience .

edit to celebrate my tamagotchi's bonding , we had shrimp cocktails!

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3:00 pm

Not much has happend , i played more games.

I saw my tamas making a weird face

my ahirukutchi used the bathroom

My mousetchi was having an intruiging conversation with the refridgerator again O_____O

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I woke up @ nine forty. the little darlings were waiting for me. i quickly filled up their hearts and clean the mess they made. i was hoping I could catch them looking out the window , but I had a late night last night , and unfortunatley slept in ;)

But to repay them , I took them to tamatown AND baught them a hat from the store. They called for training at ten and 12. Still 20% bonding.

Tomorrow they evolve! for now , we got mail!

Your got an awesome log Mo!

It's so cool how your update so much! Keep up the great work.



Thannks :D


Mousetchi ( who I named Andre` ) is going through the fridge.

i love little animations!! I can't wait till one of them becomes parents!

The animations will be super juicey then! ( any questions on what I just said ? )


looks at my signature , and urgent message from Mo to YOU!

ps - im on tama town , to play for free, the code is 02002 00194

have fun

3:34 pm

in about 26 minnutes they should call for training and I might have 40% which means a new animation. arent you excited? ( at least pretend , common!!! &gt;__&gt; )

now im gonna do something ive never done before. my babies will speak. Andre is purple Samantha blue and the Fred limegreen

We're gonna evolve tomorrow!

Pipe down!


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11:17 pm

I went to a party! I took my tam with me of course :p

Their cats tried to get at it , but I defended it.

At 8:45pm they were standing by the window yawning . You can see the night sky outside.

at nine their asleep.

its ll now.. more 2morrow


10:03 am next morning

ok , I woke up pretty late. When I looked at my tamagotchi , they had evolved! Andre` is a Mamekatchi , Samantha is a chamametchi , and Fred is a Korokotchi ...

Also , they called for training and got 50% bonding.

We also have mail

Message Forwarded From phobo
Cool log Mo! I have a v5, but my friend is playing w/it, so I don't have it for now.
Aww what a great morning ^^

6:22 pm

at four and six they called for training. now they have 60% bonding and the animation is the two side ones ( Samantha and fred ) kiss the middle one ( Andre`) and andre kisses them both. Then the hearts unite into one big heart. Pretty cute ^^

They called for training @ ten.

they have 70% bonding now...

they'll be adults tomorrow ( yay )

Anyways , I fed them alot of food ( i know , shame on me =[ ) and they go sick. I nursed them m back to health.

But I feel bad because I was secretly playing my tamagotchi in church today.

More later

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