Mosquito bites O.O


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2008
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In your basement >:D
Oh god guys, last night I went to bed just fine and I woke up and felt itchy i checked myself in he mirror and there was two mosquito bites on both my arms 6 small ones that might be fleas on my back, on more small one on my neck and 3 more small ones on my chest. Oh and one on my right forearm too.

So this is where you guys come in, is there any way to prevent mosquito bites and possibly flea bites? My dog has fleas and me and my mom are going to give him medicine from a vet to kill the fleas.

Itchee!!! D:<

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Jkaldksjadfsl. I HATE mosquitos too. D:<

And the worst part is when I'm asleep I scratch at the bites in my sleep and they start bleeding.

Wear bug repel like OFF.

This is rarely why I go outside on hot days.

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Wear a good bug repellent or have one of those anti-bug candles near you.

I catch a lot of the mosquitos that bite me. I just randomly swat and (though I look like an idiot) I manage to capture it. Then I like, examine it and talk to it about never coming near me again and stupid stuff. I usually do a criss cross with my nail on my bites, usually the become scabs.

I would upload pictures, but it's not like I have that little to do. ;P

I hate mosquitos. I do. x___x

When I was younger, I had a kabillion bites on my legs. And I scratched them, so I got scars kjlkjfeg. xP

But those are gone now. 8D

Yeahh, use repellant.

I hatehatehate mosquito bites. I'm allergic, so they swell. Once, my whole shin was swollen and it hurt when I walked. Repellent doesn't even work here... It actually seems to attract the mosquitoes o.o Well, just spray repellent everywhere. That might work...

God, I hate mosquitoes. Seriously, if I but had the means, I would devote my life to mosquito genocide. I can't go outside for five seconds without getting half eaten by those custards. :(

My mom told me about this lotion, Avon "Skin So Soft" that's supposed to repel mosquitoes. I haven't tried it yet, but if it works, it's probably better than spraying poisonous chemicals all over yourself.

In my entire life I've had one mozzie bite. I think they hate the taste of me.

And no flea bites.

I must smell bad.

Hey thanks you guys for your suggestions :*D

I got some calamine (sp?) lotion and now it doesn't itch :3

EDIT: I'm going camping tonight (oh that's going to be fun,... all night: BZZZZZ *slap* ow...)

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In summer.. gosh, those mosquitoes love me to bits.

I remember I had like, over 40 mosquito bites on me all at once. I hateeee 'em. D: They fail big time. + They seem to be somewhat attracted to my blood. THOSE VAMPIRES.


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