Most Annoying Sound?


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Sorry, had to.

Anyways, I hate The sound of Nails on a Chalk Board, and when you rub things like silk and velvet. It just feels weird on your fingers.

I dnt like the sound of other people rubbing on fabric.

it reminds me of fingernails onna chalkboard.


i hate ripping paper. it makes me cringe and shudder. xP

I hate wiping metal spoons on with a cloth. sometimes it makes a sound and makes me shudder just thinking about it. xD

Nails scratching chalkboard.

This guy at my school talks like his nose is plugged with metal.

The sound of sharpening blades.

The 'gushing' sound of surgery.


Scraping sounds, like nails on chalkboard, but it goes for our microveiwers (not scopes) in bio as well. You move them on the desk and the sound just kills everyone. Old paint coming off metal bothers me as well.

Nails on a chalkboard x____x It literally makes my fingernails hurt when I think about it.

That and when you are eating like a steak or something on a porcelain plate, and you cut all the way through --- when the knife scratches against the plate it makes the "EEERRKKKK" noise. I HATE that.

When something buzzes past your ear --- especially bees. I hate bees.

Constant. Tapping. Constant. Merciless. Tapping.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Also, humming. I don't know why, but when people hum or sing, it just makes me squirm.

Unless I WANT to hear your melodies, it's bothersome when I'm trying to write and someone walks by like whistling or humming and I lose my concentration.

If I want to hear people sing, I'll ask, or I'll get it on youtube.

When people rub their fingernails on school trousers, or fabric, or tights. Eugh... Makes me shiver just thinking 'bout it. I think I have a phobia about it.

Horrible high pitched noises, which continuesly keep sounding; like a smoke alarm. When my grandpa cooks, he forgets to close the door, and it's horribly annoying >.<

I'm fine with most noises EXCEPT:

*Metal on metal clanging. I hate that sound more than anything.

*People with really dry, peely fingers stroking fabric. You can just hear it snagging!! My Mom has really dry hands and it has become a joke between us. She starts feeling a piece of fabric and inevitably I nag her to stop because it freaks me out. :D
