Most Annoying Stage On A Tama


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i agree whit you to i have 7 tamagotchi but the one that needs more atencion is the baby omg i get mad

I think it's the teen cuz I get so impatient for it to grow up.

some of u r saying the baby stage is the worst rite? Well i think it's the adult stage. When will it EVER get its thingy so it can perform in conserts? And of how long u have 2 wait for it 2 get married, and besides, u only have 2 take care of the baby 4 an hour! DX

I think teenager because it irritates you so much when you are waiting for them to evolve into an adult and then..bam! you get an adult you don't want.

I always found the adult stage to be rather boring. All the excitement seems to get drown out once you hit that final stage. Like there's nothing left to do but wait for him to leave.
Awww you don't like the adult stage? You can still do stuff with your tama! You don't HAVE to do stuff on the actual game thingy. You can play with him/her in the outside world, too! :D

I think the stage I find the most "annoying" is adult w/ baby. Maybe I wouldn't call it "annoying", but it bothers me to know that you just raised such a sweet tama and got so attatched and now it's going to leave and you'll never see it again! :( That always stinks...*wipes a tear*

Of course, the "dead" stage is annoying, too. My tamas have never died, but if they did, I know I'd be so upset after getting so far in generations. ;)

For me, it would have to be when the adult has a baby.

I put the clock forward and back just to get rid of it.

I'm always impatient for the next generation. :)

I think the baby and the parent with a child are the most annoying.

Baby - too needy. x.x

Parent with child - I'm really impatient for the parent to leave to I can get the next generation. :D

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