Most Annoying Stage On A Tama


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Ehh... Adult with baby most annoying for me. So here I am, with this really cute adult, who hops around so cute, and the matchmaker come along with this really cute girl/boy, and when i'm finished, the screen's crowded and they don't jump at all. D: Then I miss seeing them jump. And it get's boring seeing them just move around and no jumping. D= That's usually when I pause them.

Anyway, My vote for most annoying is Adult w/ baby. Even if Teen And Adlut came close. ;)

teen or adult dont know which,

the teen cause i want it to hurry up and turn into a adult,

or the adult cause i want it to be able to go on the dateing show.

if there was a choice for 'all of the above' i would pick that one.

But instead i picked Adult w/ Baby.

TamaGripzBurritos :)

The baby stage. They are whiny and needy. It's entertaining, but annoying aswell.

I'd say teen. Sometimes it takes like, three days for them to evolve. Plus the teens can't really use many items, so they're really just sitting there for three days.

Baby is pretty annoying, but I find the neediness fun. And they're just too darn cute!

I changed my mind. I actualy think that the baby is stahe is extremely annoying. The hour seems like 10. My favourite stage is the adult w/ baby. :D

BTW Awesome topic. I'd say the last choice. I want to start raising my new Tama darnit! Lol.

i thinkk the adult stage is the most annoying on most versions cause there isnt anything to do, and it seems lyk forever waiting for the matchmaker to come!

the only version where the adult stage is fun is v.4 i think. Cause you can lyk get a job and well i think the jobs are fun :)

adult with baby for me !!Just leave I need to start the next gen. !!! And the kid I really want to know what fam it i sin!!!!

Definately the baby stage because they're sooo needy and you can't do anything with them! You can't play with certain items, or leave them alone for five minutes because when you get back they have zero hearts and are sick and blah blah blah. And you only have one game too. They just get reallyyy annoying lol.

The only bright side is they're very cute and... nope that's it. ^_^

I dont know about you guys, but my main goal on my Tamagotchis is to challenge myself, and see how many generations I can raise in a row, so when my Tamagotchi mates, and has a baby, (Im talking about my music star), and the whole family is in my Tamagotchi, I just want the parents to hurry up and LEAVE so that I can name and care for and play with my new generation. Contrary to what most people think, I think that the baby/infant stage is the LEAST annoying, just because, yes, its needy, but its only and infant for, what, and hour? I like that it changes so fast and that I know that im getting on with the process of raising it. (Truthfully, I like the neediness, having to feed it so much gives me something to do!)

I think it's the baby, because they need more care. ;) :furawatchi:


The teen stage. All that waiting! I guess it's not as bad now, since I seem to be getting adults I've gotten before and I'm not as impatient to see new item animations and whatnot. But still, they don't do much compared to adults.

As needy as babies are, they are too gosh darned cute for me to dislike them. :3

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