Most embarassing thing you've ever done


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
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What's the most embarassing thing you've ever done?

At a school camp 2 years ago, I was on a high ropes course. I sat on a plank of wood up there which has splinters and sharp edges. :p Of course I was stupid enough to slide off it and split my pants It was so embarrassing. The teachers and my class mates were going "Nice undies Puma!!" Embarrassing :p


i wanted to go outside at lunch and so i stood up and said, "Wanna go out?" To all my friends but i said it to loud and everyone started laughing. even me XD then my firned got up and started yelling, "SIDE! OKAY PEOPLE, SIDE!" it was hilarious

What's the most embarassing thing you've ever done?
At a school camp 2 years ago, I was on a high ropes course. I sat on a plank of wood up there which has splinters and sharp edges. :eek: Of course I was stupid enough to slide off it and split my pants It was so embarrassing. The teachers and my class mates were going "Nice undies Puma!!" Embarrassing :mellow:

awww this is my kinda topic!! lol! EVERY ONE says i am a embarassment magnit, the embarassing thing ALWAYS happen to ME! so here is my MOST embarassing moment!!

i was at the pool and i noticed that the (super cute) lifegaurd was staring at me, i was feeling confident at the moment so i tried to look good wile i was swimming i did tricks and stuff like that then i decided to swim over to the steps, sit there, and get a tan (wile looking god ;) ) when i suddenly felt cold so i looked down and my top was COMPLETLEY off!!! i was MORTIFIED! how did i not notice that the whole time? i was too busy paying attention to the life gaurd to realize that every one was staring at me! i had to search the pool for my top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mellow: :mellow:

My embarassing moment is,(this is gonna make you squirm!)

I was pretended to be a boy peeing right in front of a window, and this cute boy saw me.He came up to tell us tea was ready and I was so embarassed I hid in a cupboard, and it had a mouse trap in it and it was dark and I didn't know where the door was and I started to cry.He had to lift me out.then my top snagged on a nail and came clean off.I was 10 and didn't wear a bra and my boobs were starting to grow.AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAJOR CRINGE!!!

eek! Mine was this year:

The Saturday before Halloween this one kid in my grade was having a Halloween dance party and of course I'm goin cuz you get to wear costumes and everything! Well,the dance part was different than I thought it would be,I was thinking,you know,just like loud rock or pop or hip-hop music playing and everyone jumpin around just having a good time,well,it was slow dancing. I had already danced with this one nice guy that,I didn't have a crush on then (he was my friend that was a boy) but I have a crush on him now. Well anyway I was leaning against the wall looking for guys to dance with,this other guy I had a crush on came over and said "I'll dance with you." the only thing that was kinda awkward was that he's really short and I'm really tall. I had to spin into him while we were dancing and my like,super-long hair hit him in the face while I was spinning!! After that we didn't talk to each other for a week. And everyone was watching us dance cuz they all wanted me to dance with him!!!! It was MORTIFYING!!! His eye was red for 2 weeks afterwards. :angry:

Well I was at lunch and I really had to go to the bathroom (and the girls aren't allowed to use it during lunch because the guys flooded the toilets ) and I was banging my lead pencil against the table really hard (Until it basically started breaking into pieces and flying into people's food) because I had to go to teh bathroom. So when we go upstairs I ran into the room yelling 'I GOTTA PEEE!" over and over real loud until everyone let me through.

<33 xD

Well, i was at the mall, looking for a nice plushie at a toy shop, when my pants snagged on a sharp hooky-thingy and...well... it all went down hill from there (literally). ;) WHY DOES MY LIFE HATE ME!?

I've told this teacher I loved him but I didn't. I ignored him for days and my friends still laugh about it. ITS PAYBACK TIME!!!

This was in Colchester,England.

I was at the Gymnastics camp and I was running in the hotel corridor alone,feeling afraid...then my crush popped out from his room and the scream I screamed lasted 20 seconds! He was like "Jessica,It's me!! Dx" And I continued screaming.Then a man came over and yelled at me "OI!! STOP THE NOISE" and I started crying and hugged my crush and I told the man "If you yell at me another time,I will hang you in front of the bathroom mirror and I spin you around and call Bloody Mary to come and kill you" (still hugging my crush <3) Then I went to my room and I realised that all the gymnasts were in the corridor laughing their heads off!

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