Most Embarrassing TamaTalk Moment!


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
Right, I've checked all the forums and there are no topics like this so here I go...

Firstly, understand that this is not a place for public shaming. ONLY post YOUR OWN embarrassing moments, not someone else's. That would be mean and unfair. I'll report any posts like that.

Secondly, nothing silly, eg. no swearing etc. Usual TamaTalk rules apply.

I don't think there would be any problem with linking to the topic which was embarrassing, unless of course it's rude. You don't have to link.

NOBODY is forced to post. If people PM you and harrass you to post some embarrassing thing they saw, say no and if they keep doing it report them to a Guide.

Also, if you and another person were involved in an embarrassing moment, don't mention the username of the other person. They might not want to be mentioned. Just say "me and someone else on TamaTalk".

Well, as far as I can tell (and I've been thinking about making this topic all day), there is nothing wrong with this topic. If there is, by all means close it.

One last thing. Don't ridicule people about their embarrassing moments. I'll get any ridiculing posts deleted as well.

StarTama :furawatchi:

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Finally got past Flood Control! 30 seconds never lasted so long! This is my embarrassing moment:

I had this question about Tamagotchis and the Mirror, and I posted it, forgetting to check the forums as I usually do. Then, I browsed around for a while and ON THE NEXT PAGE of topics, there was my exact question, and the answer *blushes* how stupid. But it gets worse. I actually kinda public shamed myself by replying to my topic and saying I'd get a Guide to close it. Wasn't closed in the end, though. Turned out GK1 wanted it open because apparently there was more to it than on the other topic.

StarTama :furawatchi:

Mine was when someone posted 'I LIKE HIHI PUFFY AMI YUMI' and I said how silly it was that they said those crazy random words, and Later I realised that Hihi Puffy Ami Yumi is a TV show! XD

I felt dopey o_0

My friend was on my pc the day b4 and hadnt logged off.I came on, not realising that it was still my friends account.I posted LOADS of stuff on my roleplay, until someone said"you dont own this roleplay, tamaholic does".It was sooooo embarassing!

I have allways checked since

I was PMing my friend on TT who is a girl but not from my inbox, but from under the persons name. They were sad so this is what wrote.

YOu Have a beautiful personality and are my best friend. I love you as a friend and i cannot imagine you not being my friend.

But I accidently clicked on another member's name. A male member. At leat they didn't reply!


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