Most Prized Posessions


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:angry: just 2 days then it became a hot topic!I was surprised :angry:

I love my star shape necklace(it's so cute!I felt it was special!) and my doggies which turns my frown upside down :angry: well...actually 2 beloved pupies passed away....i miss them soo much and the things my friends give me(though i'm always so thoughtless and so i always lost them but manage to eventually find them back)

My sketchbook Nickolai and my drumsticks Jon and Spencer.

They are my babycakes, and I love them so. I could not go on without them.

I cried myself to sleep because I couldn`t find Jon one day. He was trapped in my backpack.


My star necklace my friend gave me when she moved.

My guitar.

My iPod.

My bear which everyone in my class signed before I moved.

All of my 24 beanie kids xD.

My Jonas Brothers CD.

Basically everything in my room is special to me in some way.

EDIT: I decided to shorten the list.

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A blue teddy bought for me when I was a baby, from my dead great uncle Sammy

My Polo shirt from primary that everyone signed

My photo album. I love looking through them. But not my baby ones XD

Don't pet rock 8D Called Ziggy. Well, I got it from Tunisia when I was two. And I still have it (Im 11 and a half)



Stuff my friends gave me

Trophies and stuff..

Pictures of family/friends

My animals. All of them. Though they are not objects, they are the things I can call my own that are most special to me. My turtles, snakes, lizards, geese, ducks, chickens, parrots, finches, insects, arachnids, fish, chinchilla, axolotl, ferret, guinea pigs, mouse, degus, cat, and dog. Every single one of them is special and very close to my heart.

Sometimes they drive me crazy...but overall they keep me sane through the hard times in life. <3

I don't think I could choose a most special object, I'm attached to lots of them. There is a beautiful, very realistic figurine of a Black Duck I got for Christmas this year that I really love. There are lots of sentimentally valuable things, too. :)

My Stuffed Animal: FLUFFY THE SHEEP!

I've had him since I was 5. <3 Ill keep him until I die (or until it's turned into a wrecked animal. Estimate: NEVAAAHH!. xD)

My Shirt from Primary School everyone signed.

Charm Bracelet my Granny gave me. <3

And some other stuff.


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Oh yeah. I just remembered:

My ponytail of my cut hair.

Except my kittens got it and ruined it T_T It was sad.

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