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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia

This is going to be a story about....a giant moth, called Mothilocks...and evil people after her beautiful wings (for some reason)

Follow the Rules

1. you can make new characters

2. do NOT kill Mothilocks

3. All TT rules apply

4. only Mild violence and try not to have too much blood and gore

5. Use words that make sense and try to use proper english.

6. Have fun!

Ok, I`ll start:

Mothilocks zoomed through the forest, carefree from an dangers that may await her. Light beams of moonlight danced through the thick canopy of lush green leaves. Her sister, Michaela warned her about the dangers of wandering alone at night. But Mothilocks did not listen and flew around the forest, free as a bird. Suddenly, a bright white light shot through the dark leaves and hit Mothilocks squarely in the chest. She fell to the forest floor and darkness came...

A dark figure that had a butterfly net and some sort of device with light coming out of it (a flashlight) scooped up Mothilocks in a net, then she was forced in a tiny jar. She was cramped, scared and had little air to breathe. After about 30 minutes or so of running, they came to an old house that was falling apart. Inside the house was horrid! Wings of moths and butterflies of every shapes and sizes were in display cases on the walls. The person opened the jar, "I have to time this perfectly" Mothilocks thought to herself as she got her wings ready to make an escape. She flew out of the jar as soon as the person looked away. She freed the other moths that were still alive in a jar. There was some dust in the windowsill so she rolled in it and she looked dull and boring like the other moths. They all flew around in circles and out the window.Mothilocks did not know which way to go. She knew that Left was where the bird nests were and not to go there unless she wanted to be eaten,right lead to more houses, north might be the right way, but so could south. After thinking about it, She chose..........

Mothilocks took a chance and went south. She flew for a very, very long time, until the dust fell off her wings. She stopped in a very hot jungle to rest her tired wings. Mothilocks looked around her and saw beautiful flowers around her and drank all the nectar in them. Feeling refreshed, but still very tired, she flew to the treetops to sleep.



"What?" Mothilocks asked,"Who are you?"

"I'm your sister, Michaela!", her sister cried, "I have been looking all over for you!"

"Michaela!," said Mothilocks, "I missed you!"

"Mothilocks," Michaela said, "Someting very bad has happend to our family! Come quick!"

"What is it?" Mothilocks asked,"Is everyone okay?"

"Its______!" Her sister replied.....

"terrible! a person came and sprayed something on the nest and it smelled bad and it hurt my wings so we had to fly all the way to this jungle! No one was hurt but now we have to help make the nest here and we have NO IDEA WHAT TO MAKE IT OUT OF I saved the caterpillar eggs just in time!" Michaela yelled and spazzed out.

"I'm going to go gather things" Mothilocks said, and flew off

She went to collect sticks and feathers to make the nest when Mothilocks saw a green vine. "Now, if only I could pick this up, it could be perfect for the caterpillars to climb up into the nest when they hatch!." It wasn't a vine! It was a........

They started work on a new nest and soon everybody came to help. After a week, the nest was done. But little did they know that the location they chose was.....

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