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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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I have a moth in my house and they're sooo hard to catch!

And when they die (after a couple of days) they're impossible to find!


Yuck. We rarely get any moths around here but if we do, I'll probably open the window or something and let it go away on its own. And you know what else I hate? Roaches. Absolutely and positively disgusting vile little creatures. o;

ewwww i hate moths! not as much as cicadas... but i hate them. i remember once there was one in my house and i caught it in a butterfly net when i was, like, five. xD I always have to kill bugs in my house bc everyone else is too afraid to (besides my dad, but usually he's busy working or something). i've found some pretty disgusting bugs, plus a lot of stinkbugs. XP Once there was also a snake in our basement. o_O

OFF TOPIC: @xXDomoXx: Gotta love that avatar xD

Anyways, last summer this absolutely huge moth was perched on my neighbours wall. Like, I didn't even know they could grow that big. It stayed there for a few days, then left.

When therer are moths in my house, I scream and run away... xD My dog can kill them... xD He like bites, them, then throws them outside... xD

^That's useful. I wish we had a cat, because we've had mice before....

I had this big moth on my house for like.... a day
i'll get pic later

Big sister was holding it
That's HUGE!!

I don't really mind bugs,snakes or spiders. I just cannot stand ants or flies. Moths are annoying, especially when they go into your closet or wardrobe and make holes in your shirts. (AAARRRGGGHH!)

I have little ones in my house.

They just fly around in our kitchen pantry and it's like ew.

Buuut, they're not that annoying cause they're really small.

I only hate it when they get in my food. Now that's not fun.

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