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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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What do you take to eat when you go to the movies?

I usually have candy of many sorts and a drink. I hate popcorn.

Popcorn, Ice tea, licorice. =3 Maybe random candy. OH AND NACHOS.

Popcorn, and a frozen coke :)

Even though I hate popcorn, I still eat it so I have something to eat. Mum's deeply in love with it and so is my brother and my friends, so I eat it not to waste money on myself.

Frozen cokes are love. Pure love.

Frozen Bubblegum Fanta!

I usually leave random bits of candy all over the seat.

One time I took in some butter chicken because I was uber hungry and didn't have time to eat it before the movie.

Buncha Crunch and Diet Coke.

I don't like popcorn that much :(


They're d e l i c i o u s. They have really weird names like "Sinful cinnamon", "Grateful Garlic", "Whiny Wetzel" and stuff like that. So I feel kind of weird going up and being like "Hi can I have a 'You Big Softie, You' combo with a 7up?" ... oh well, it's worth it. 8D

My favourite pretzel is the Cin-A-Yum. It has cinnamon and icing sugar.. and that's all I think. And I get a TCBY frozen yogurt to go with it ;)

Junior Mints and cherry flavour slushies, FTW. :3

Sometimes Skittles. But they usually end up inside the slushie, cause they taste good in slushies.

I usually get popcorn and soda, but I absolutely love movie candy. <3

I always get a jumbo/large size popcorn with extra butter and Pizza flavored Seasoning powder on it, a Large Pepsi. And a bag of skittles. I'll eat the skittles near the end of the movie, and the popcorn during the beginning-middle of the movie.

I rarely go to the movies though, When I do, Those are the foods/drink I always get.

Depends on who I'm with. If it's with mum or family, we usually get a large popcorn and a coke or something.

If I'm weith friends, we take up a whole row of seats mainly with food, and then get kicked out because we throw it at each other.

With friends, we get like 3 large popcorns and then whatever we don't eat, we throw at each other outside. We get a huge coke for each of us. And then maybe extras. It's great : D

I usually don't bring anything. I buy a large popcorn and a large drink when I get there. Extra salt on the popcorn X3

I hate going to the theatres though. $10 for one adult ticket, and another $10 for popcorn/drink just to see a movie I could see at the drive-in for $8 plus an extra movie and no food costs. Prices are ridiculous.

Lol, I'm going to the movies today. I will probably get another soft pretzel... but maybe this time I will get popcorn, with lotsa lotsa butter.

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