Music City problem


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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
I signed up for Music City 2 days ago, and I never received an activation mail. I tried creating another account, but I still didn't receive an email... whats wrong?

Uhhh... when you finish making your account, there's this buttn that u press, and then there's this message box, asking you wether you want to close the wndow or not. Click on the button where it says yes, then re-open another internet hompage thingymabobber. Then check your e-mail, because you have to close the window in order to send the activation e-mail. Hope I helped :furawatchi:

the same thing happened to me! i tryed 3 times and didnt get a e mail! i had to use my grandparents computer! it worked there! and i still didnt get the email!! anyway what im saying it try on a different computer!

hope i helped and have a great tamatalking day!!!

Uhhh... when you finish making your account, there's this buttn that u press, and then there's this message box, asking you wether you want to close the wndow or not. Click on the button where it says yes, then re-open another internet hompage thingymabobber. Then check your e-mail, because you have to close the window in order to send the activation e-mail. Hope I helped :lol:
I still didn't get an email
