Music Star band members suddenly changed?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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Tamagotchi Town (formerly Music City)
Aki, my Chamametchi, evolved into Sebiretchi this morning - and of course, when she met up with her band members, they evolved too. They evolved into Mametchi and Shimashimatchi and I was all stoked because along with Sebiretchi, those are also two of my favourite characters. They played a gig and didn't get approval from the judges, but whatever. I figured I'd worry about all of that later.


I was cleaning my room at the time so I set my Tama aside and kept on with what I was doing, but then out of nowhere I heard them playing again. I picked up my Tama to look at what was going on, and the band was playing for the judges again - only Aki wasn't with Mametchi and Shimashimatchi anymore. She was playing with Tarakotchi and Kuchipatchi now.


Her band mates have remained as Tarakotchi and Kuchipatchi since. So not only did they go and play a gig without my permission, the original two band members just suddenly disappeared.


What happened...? .__.

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1) My Tammagotchi music star (which is a child kutchitammaitchi) has been practicing(not band though!) without me telling him to do so. Give her a time out. Wait 2 minutes after you give your Sebiretchi a time out then give Sebiretchi her favorite toy (favorite toy is when your tamma has hearts around him/her when playing with the toy)and a little bit of praise. (My tamma is now on pause since Sunday afternoon.After that happened to my tamma (twice) he didn`t do it again that day.)

Music Band members changing? I never heard of that.

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Maybe when they didn't get approved by the judges, the two left and have given up, and two new band members were added to your band. Scientifically speaking, the original band members you had (Mametchi and Shimashimatchi) have left because either they keep getting rejected by the judges, or they just gave up permanently and ran away. Try resetting back to where they were about to do their gig before the original two disappeared. You should have Mametchi and Shimashimatchi at that point. If not, then you're going to have to go with it until they come back.

Her band mates have remained as Tarakotchi and Kuchipatchi since. So not only did they go and play a gig without my permission, the original two band members just suddenly disappeared.


What happened...? .__.
I haven't encountered this in my V6, the band members remained the same. Could it be a glitch?

1) My Tammagotchi music star (which is a child kutchitammaitchi) has been practicing(not band though!) without me telling him to do so. Give her a time out.
LOL aren't you supposed to praise them because they're practicing (and increasing skill points) without you having to attend to them? xD ROFL LMAO :p

I haven't encountered this in my V6, the band members remained the same. Could it be a glitch?

LOL aren't you supposed to praise them because they're practicing (and increasing skill points) without you having to attend to them? xD ROFL LMAO :p
No thats not what I meant. I meant that I praise them once They practice and play with me when I tell them to do so. Sorry if you didn`t get what I meant.

I think it's just one of those Tamagotchi Music Star glitches. (Yes, one of them, as there are MANY glitches on this version) It's definitely not supposed to happen even if the band fails the first time. People have had glitches where the bands are playing at a concert and the screen goes black or something, but never heard of this one.

All I can say is try pushing the reset button, and selecting "DOWNLOAD." Then see if your band members are back to normal.

Is your band name the same? And are the new band members listed under the "BAND" stats menu instead of the old members? Also, did you play the band practice game before this glitch occurred, and did you see your old members or new members?

If nothing helps, sorry, but I think you'll have to survive with Tarakotchi and Kuchipatchi (your band has all duck-billed characters). However, this freaky, crazy glitch will eternally remain on the forums for others experiencing the same phenomenon to see! :D

A possible cause of this could be some pinched circuit board switch/thingy/wire, since you're supposed to have to answer the doorbell when the band manager comes for the band to try to qualify. Sorry i don't know more about electronics. -_-

My Mametchi attended his first audition without me opening the door a while ago, but there has been no glitches oucurring since... :p ^_^

In a similar topic, a different evolution glitch has been noticed. If your Tamagotchi grows into an adult, you will notice your other classmates will grow when you go Away. If your other classmates are not of your preference, you can reset your Tamagotchi before the auditions start, and go Away again to make your classmates grow again. Although this doesn't seem like a glitch, you'll notice your original adult classmates are the ones to grow into your new ones. By doing this, you can manipulate the Tamagotchi to make your bandmates that of your preference. (My band is Shimashimatchi, Togetchi, and Tosakatchi, the Meme Family Males by doing this.) Also, your Tamagotchi will automatically open doors if you leave it idle.

Did your Tamagotchi reset before the auditions ended? If it did, that means that this is probably what happened. However, if it didn't, this is a truly interesting glitch.

...A little off topic, lala0628, what you said about giving them a time out is wrong. Your Tamagotchi is supposed to practice or play every 15 minutes on its own.

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In a similar topic, a different evolution glitch has been noticed. If your Tamagotchi grows into an adult, you will notice your other classmates will grow when you go Away. If your other classmates are not of your preference, you can reset your Tamagotchi before the auditions start, and go Away again to make your classmates grow again. Although this doesn't seem like a glitch, you'll notice your original adult classmates are the ones to grow into your new ones. By doing this, you can manipulate the Tamagotchi to make your bandmates that of your preference. (My band is Shimashimatchi, Togetchi, and Tosakatchi, the Meme Family Males by doing this.) Also, your Tamagotchi will automatically open doors if you leave it idle.

Did your Tamagotchi reset before the auditions ended? If it did, that means that this is probably what happened. However, if it didn't, this is a truly interesting glitch.

...A little off topic, lala0628, what you said about giving them a time out is wrong. Your Tamagotchi is supposed to practice or play every 15 minutes on its own.
Oh sorry I didn`t know about that.

In a similar topic, a different evolution glitch has been noticed. If your Tamagotchi grows into an adult, you will notice your other classmates will grow when you go Away. If your other classmates are not of your preference, you can reset your Tamagotchi before the auditions start, and go Away again to make your classmates grow again. Although this doesn't seem like a glitch, you'll notice your original adult classmates are the ones to grow into your new ones. By doing this, you can manipulate the Tamagotchi to make your bandmates that of your preference. (My band is Shimashimatchi, Togetchi, and Tosakatchi, the Meme Family Males by doing this.) Also, your Tamagotchi will automatically open doors if you leave it idle.

Did your Tamagotchi reset before the auditions ended? If it did, that means that this is probably what happened. However, if it didn't, this is a truly interesting glitch.

...A little off topic, lala0628, what you said about giving them a time out is wrong. Your Tamagotchi is supposed to practice or play every 15 minutes on its own.
Toad, that idea is ingenious! Owl, did you download your Tamagotchi at any time between the first try and the second audition? That would probably affect the way they re-evolved.

If not, then it's yet another issue...

In a similar topic, a different evolution glitch has been noticed. If your Tamagotchi grows into an adult, you will notice your other classmates will grow when you go Away. If your other classmates are not of your preference, you can reset your Tamagotchi before the auditions start, and go Away again to make your classmates grow again. Although this doesn't seem like a glitch, you'll notice your original adult classmates are the ones to grow into your new ones. By doing this, you can manipulate the Tamagotchi to make your bandmates that of your preference. (My band is Shimashimatchi, Togetchi, and Tosakatchi, the Meme Family Males by doing this.) Also, your Tamagotchi will automatically open doors if you leave it idle.

Did your Tamagotchi reset before the auditions ended? If it did, that means that this is probably what happened. However, if it didn't, this is a truly interesting glitch.

...A little off topic, lala0628, what you said about giving them a time out is wrong. Your Tamagotchi is supposed to practice or play every 15 minutes on its own.
Hm. Well, I did reset it once because it was about to run away (oops) but if I'm remembering that correctly, it was before any of this happened. Though I suppose it's a factor that can't be entirely overlooked.

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