music star questions


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Active member
Jan 30, 2009
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
hi there, i just bought a music star today and i have a couple of questions that the instruction manual didn't really answer or mention:

1) regarding the toy, instrument & stress level - according to the manual, the tamagotchi plays its toy and instrument on its own, but how do you know if the tamagotchi likes the toy/instrument or not? does it make any sort of reaction when you drop the toy to it? all the "toy" button does is lets you choose a toy and puts it on the left side of the tama screen. the tamagotchi doesn't even play with it right away?

2) how do you get gotchi points? according to the instruction manual, you can get points by working part-time on the fruit harvest but doesn't your tamagotchi stop eating the baby food/milk when its a teenager? you can only start working on the fruit harvest when you're an adult. do you earn gotchi points by logging in online and playing there?

that's it so far. thanks for your help. i really love my music star. its wonderful.

1) The toy and the instrument given to you at the beginning is the tama's favorite toy and instrument. so it will play with it all the time. The "toy" button lets you pick a toy that you want it to play with. But if you want your tama to play with the toy, you go to the icon with the face and bubble at the bottom left of the screen and you chose the "play" option. The tama will play with it until it gets tired.

2) From a baby to teen, you rely on the king to give you gotchi points. I don't know exactly when the king comes, but he'll come and give you like 2000p. So you kind of have to make that last until the king comes again. When you become an adult, that's when you are able to work part-time for gotchi points and get money for preforming concerts.

The tama will eat the baby food/milk when it's a teen and it will fill up two hearts, but as for me from experience, when I feed baby food/milk to my tama as a teen, it didn't do anything. So you have to keep buying food for your tama. So you kind of have to make the money the king gives you last. Then when you become an adult, you get the part-time jobs and get money for preforming concerts. you get like 10,000 or something gotchi points.

As far as going online and earning gotchi points, from what I know, you don't get it transfered to your tamagotchi. I believe the gotchi points on music city and your tamagotchi are two different things. When I did it, it didn't transfer.

oh and when you get your pro debut, there is a character named, Bill, who usually doesn't give you an "O" on the first try.

So my suggestion is to keep practicing with your band and gain experience, he might give you an "O". Well, when I did it, I got an "O" from Bill on my first try.

I hope I helped. :p

also, if anybody else has anything to contribute, please do. This is based on my experience with my music star.

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My tamagotchi plays an instrument on its own too, and raises stress :S

thanks for your replies. they are very helpful. i dunno how i was able to raise my tama's on my own before i discovered tama-talk. you guys are so awesome.

and i've also come across a couple of other things and i'd like to ask you guys these questions:

1) when my tamagotchi makes a mess, it doesn't beep? the other versions do, is that normal? or is that a glitch on my tama?

2) also, when someone's at the door, my tama doesn't beep? it just shows the exclamation mark above its head and that's it? shouldn't it beep too? again is that normal or is that a glitch?

3) my tamagotchi beeps every about 20-35 mins or so and it starts playing the instrument, so far, i've been praising it every time it starts playing its instrument on its own but do i have to keep on praising it when it does it?

4) when my tama is missing a happy heart, i try to make it play with its toy by going on the training section and letting it play with its toy, but it doesn't fill the happy heart? does that mean that i can only fill the happy hearts by playing the music games? i didn't want to do that all the time coz i didn't want my tama to be so stressed out?

thanks again for all the help guys! :D

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Responce to the first question...

To see if your tamagotchi likes the instrument...

Loves it- Hearts will be around it while it is playing

Likes it- It will just be playing and smiling a bit

Doesn't Care much for it- Playing with a sad kinda face

Doesn't Like it- Won't Play/ X marks while it plays...

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