Music Star - Tone, Rhythm, & Original.


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Nov 12, 2011
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Hi, I have just started a new Tamagotchi baby because I recently got a bad toddler. I believe it was because I played games too much. I'm just wondering how much Tone, Rhythm and Original should a baby have, a toddler, teen and adult. Thanks.

I'm not a new tamagotchi owner. I just restarted my tamagotchi music star and just want to know what other people think.

I understand that you might not be a new Tamagotchi owner but your answered topic posted in this particular section might be helpful and easier to find for actual new Tamagotchi owners. Also, you had your questions posted in the Tips and Tricks section, which is more of a section for members to offer actual tips and tricks for care, rather than one for questions. Thanks for your understanding. :)

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To answer your question, there's no real "perfect" level for baby, toddler, teen, and adult. You accumulate different music points through the games you play, and the more skill points your tama has, the better its band and music playing will be. The max amount is 999 for each, and if you play a lot of games and have your tama practice its instrument a lot, the points will increase. The way to get good characters is to keep them at a healthy weight, play games with them to increase their happiness, and make sure they're well-fed. Hope this helped some! :)

I don't think you can get a bad care character just by playing too many games. Earning more skill points is good for your Tamas. You just have to make sure they don't become too stressed or too overweight, in addition to feeding them of course :)

My Friend and I just got our tamas to mate and we don't know what weight the baby should be at.

What is a good weight for a baby tama?

How much should we feed our tamas?

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