Music Star


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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First, Im sorry if there is a topic like this somewhere, and if it's in the wrong place.

I'm getting a Music Star tomorrow, and I've never owned a tamagotchi before but I have played with friends and family members.

I would like to know the basics of it, and what the point of the Music Star is. I've tried to get some information about it, but there isn't alot here.

Thanks in advance for any help :D

Hooray 4 U, your getting your first Tama!!!

A music star is completcated, so really, REALLY read the directions,once, twice, and even three times.

You raise a tamagotchi from egg to toddler to teenager to adult. Throughout this, he favors a music genre, plays music-themed games and joins a band.

Thats... about it.

So, simply, is it the same thing as most other tama generations, except for the v5?

You raise ONE tamagotchi charecter, it pursues a career in music, and you still do the same things such as feed it, play games with it, and take care of it?

Now I have some questions

1. Is there a shop still?

2. How many games are there?

3. Does anyone have a charecter chart?



1) Yes.

2) 4-ish are playable at one time. Not sure how many total though.

3) Not yet, it is too new. You might have to wait a while for that one.

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I have The Music Star Gen 1

Mine Just Got Married Had a Boy Baby =)

And Theres About 8 Playable Games

Theres Alot Of Items In The Shops

i got a UFO! pew pew ur butt!

u raise 1 egg at first then

it grows up

EGG > BABY > CHILD > TEEN > ADULT > if u get it old enuff it turns into a SENIOR!!!

then u got go to skewl and stuff PRE SKEWL And u meet friends and u start a band and have a debut

and ull egt a band :lol: and ulll get older then ull be a MUSIC star! but if u are not smart at music and u drop out something liek tat =(

u turn into a hobo and be a music street performer boo hooo T.T

but if ur a music star and u get higher ranks and stuff U GET :D ALOT OF GOTCHI POINTS AND FANS!

wewt!!!!! i have currently 8mill GOTCHI POINTS and iv bought alot of stuff =)

and currently my screen has 1 mom 1 dad and 1 baby boy =) i think mom and dad leaves once the baby turns into a child =)

wells tats wut i got so far

Thanks! I bought my tama last night and started it up today, at first I was a little confused but I've got the hang of it. It's really cool!

My tama's favourite toy is a Dinosaur, his instrument is a Trumpet, and his favourite music is Hiphop x] Soo cute.

and currently my screen has 1 mom 1 dad and 1 baby boy =) i think mom and dad leaves once the baby turns into a child =)

wells tats wut i got so far
The parents do not leave until if they have been with them for 48 hours.

The baby doesn't turn into a child untill the patents leave.

48 hours for this version? Isnt it usually 24?

No, I think what she means is the first 24 hrs that they marry in, then the 24 hrs that is the next day.

24 + 24= 48 =)

Congrats on the first tama!!!!! :D :D :D

Well, im getting my Music star on friday, and its basically about raising your tamagotchi

but as your tama grows, it grows a fav. type of music and starts to play a type of instrument.

When your tama is an adult, you can audition for a music job. If you dont make it the first like 5 times,

your tama becomes a street musician and does not make much gotchi points.


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