Music Star


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Dec 21, 2008
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My Tamagotchi is 7 years old. I have tried the "4:29 trick" and the mail man comes or the band manager comes and just gives me money. >.> She is a Sebiretchi. I really want Ume to get married. D: My other Tamagotchis have died before getting married, and I don't want the same to happen to her. Please help!

Don't worry-- Even if your Tamagotchi becomes an oldie, you can marry it to the v5 or just wait for the band manager to come. JUST BE PAITENT... Don't worry! :D
Thanks. x3 The Band Manager finally came~! :3

I have used the 2:59 trick. That is the one that helps me but it works on all of the other tamagotchis but I don't know if it works on this one

Do you have to do the 4:29 trick for it to work?? Or what. Is it a band manager that comes or the matchmaker?? Sorry I just got my tamagotchi music star so I am having trouble on some things

If your tamagotchi is more than six years old (which it is)it is eligible to find a partner via matchmaker. But instead of 4:29, you have to set the time to 2:59 PM.

After that, wait one minute and the matchmaker will come, and give your tamagotchi a partner.

So hopefully, this trick that I use for my V4 can work the same on my music star.

Hope I helped!

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the 4:29 trick works on the music star. I just tried it and it worked. Your tamagotchi has to be 5+ though, in order for the matchmaker/band manager to come and bring you a partner at 4:30pm

Do you have to do the 4:29 trick for it to work?? Or what. Is it a band manager that comes or the matchmaker?? Sorry I just got my tamagotchi music star so I am having trouble on some things
The band manager is the matchmaker.

At one point, I had a Kuromametchi named Ken, he got met by a band member of the opposite gender, and they married at 8:00 PM.

So you can marry a band member of the opposite gender(set the time to 7:59 PM), or you can depend on the Band Manager.

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My music star tama is 7 yrs old now and the matchmaker hasn't come. I tried the 4.29 trick and there's still no matchmaker, just mail. Even at 8pm, the band member didn't come to propose.

For the previous 4 generations, the band manager came as predicted, but i just don't know why it didn't come this time round.

Any one else has the same problem?

Sometimes The Band Manager comes at age 8. He also comes at 12:30pm so try the 12:29pm trick and see if it works for you.

Oh, thanks Miracle. That's good to know. I'll wait for it to turn 8 then.

this works for all tamgotchi (v5 or v6 music star) when your tamagotchi is 5 years or more set the time to 4:29 then wait one minute then someone will come band manager or other person then someone will apeer with the band manaller some seconds or minuts later then select married then you will get married and the tamgotchi will have a soon (girl or boy I dont now)

hope I helped ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ the band manager looks like this : :nyatchi:

hey your tamagotchi need to be 5 years or more to get married

set the time to 4:29 and wait one minut then the band manager will come and present you someone then it will say:




hope I helped :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :) :) :) B) B) B) :D :D :mellow: :mellow: ;) ;)

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If you use connection marriage your tamagotchi only needs to be 2 years old and have already transformed into an adult.

For some weird reasons, the matchmaker didn't come at all when my tamagotchi was an adult. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss the matchmaker when my violetchi was 5-8 yrs old. I tried the 4.29 and 7.59 trick everyday. The matchmaker only came when my oldie turned 12 yrs old at 12.30pm.

Sometimes you have to keep doing the tricks over and over until it works.

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