Music Star


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
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This is about my MUSIC STAR! Currently a ShimaShimatchi boy, Tone:788 Rythem:845 Original:633. He is an adult, 3 years and 31 pounds. I barely ever feed him snacks so he is kind of on a "diet." We are going to go to the store now... Lets see... hasnt changed... Pudding, Choco Bar, Candy, and SOLD. The SOLD was a shovel that I bought earlier like 30 minutes ago. I have to use it still... here we go... what is happenning is...........................DIG DIG DIG SUN!!! AWWWWWWWW, so cute! I live the little stripey bear that ShimaShima is. Oh and his name is Shane. He plays Guitar and has a toy rocketship. His band members are:

1. Shane, Guitar 2. Jenny, Headphones 3. Ryo, Guitar. They play R&B and his Star Ranking is 4th. He has 134,919,884 fans. Ok, thanks for reading! Bye!

Shane is now 4 years old and his star ranking is 1st! He has 219,818,097 fans! I am so proud of him! I got a new Tama yesterday, but it is not a music star. It is a v4.5. Thats all the time I have, Ill post l8er! Bye!

Hi! I took Shane to school today. He did well, he had to answer the door 3 times, twice the mailman, once the guitar band manager. He has a ton of money now. Right now he is on screen with a rabbit and 2 eggs in front of him. It is a cute animation but can get annoying. It has happened about 2 or 3 times every day since easter. My other tama, the new v4.5 that I got yesterday is a boy and I named him GEYNX. Weird name, right? UGGGGHHHHH! It is so boring playing with a v4.5 now that I have been playing with my music star. Ok, I have to admit, I started up my v4.5 yesterday and immedietly put it on pause. It was a good deal and I liked the design but I forgot how *Coughboringcough* it is. (Thats my opinion so dont get mad.) I just paused GEYNX. So, things have been going well with Shane and me. He got lots of money so we bought some large whole pizzas and fish in the store.he has 364,799,761 fans and his star ranking is still 1st. His skill points are T:944 R:999 O:801 Ok he is going to see if the shop has changed yet. Here we go...Milk...Omelette...Milk...SLIDE!!!! I WANT THE SLIDE!!!BUY BUY BUY!!! I guess bye now I want to eat a snack. I will be on tamatown in just a sec so if anyone reads this within 10 minutes, then if you want to you can meet me on tamatown my id is LA2234 I think but I know that the first 2 letters are LA and I am still a ShimaShimatchi and for those who dont know what they look like... they are yellor bear-like- things that have blue stripes and pink feet and ears.

Whoops I forgot I will be in the 1st section of the mimitchi server. Ok, thanx, Bye!

Ok, this has been a really good day for me and Shane. First of all, the first item in the shop that he ever saw was the UFO, and guess what? Since he is #1, he got a lot of money this morning and bought it! It was in the shop and I got really exited but now I only have 8000930P. Thats still a lot, but not as much as I had. Ok, I have a question: I have 2 CDs that I really want to listen to, but there has not yet been a stereo in my shop. Is there a different way to get one? Please tell me! Ok, Shane used to be a R&B Star, but now he plays Rock music. And the best part is...wait for it... wait for it... He was at his 2nd concert and he totally won a bog trophy presented by The Gotchi King! It looks like a lightning bolt. And the weird thing is that the 1st rock and roll concert sounded different than the 2nd rock and roll concert, when I won the prize. Bye! Its time for my dinner, so see ya! Ill post l8er!

Shane was left in my backpack for 3 hours strait today with no checkups or anything!!! He was fine, though. Its time for the stats again! Here we go:


Name: Shane, 48LB, 5YR

Hungry: ♥♥♥ Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress 48, T: 999 R: 999 O: 937

R&B Music


Gen 1, 17989940P

Username: Bunni

Ok, those are ALL the stats of Shane. As you can see, he is 48 Pounds, and I am trying to keep him at the 30s. He needs to exersize more. Well, just in case I forgot to tell you, the design of my Music Star is the Rock City design. Apparently, he went back to playing R&B Music. He bought a mirror, a few tacos, a few hot dogs, and some juice today at the store. He wanted to buy a cookie, but he already had to many snacks. (17) I barely ever feed him snacks, but before I left on my field trip at school, (Thats why he got no attention for 3 hours) I fed him 2 snacks. I feel guilty. Well, I am having a little quiz that you can answer by PMing me. Ok, here is the question: What is your favorite boy and girl adult character on the Tamagotchi Music Star? I want to know, because the one that most people like is going to be my goal to get next. Well, I will be online for maybe another 10 minutes so if you read this before 4:40 then you can PM me with your answers. Bye! Ill post L8ER!

Ok, two quick notices and a question: 1. Shane just had a concert and won an award for R&B!!! 2. The most exiting news: Shane just got married! He got married to a nice little Memetchi named Karnashun (Carnation) and they had a precious baby boy. The question is what will I name the baby? Think of the best cutest names you can think of and PM me!

Hi, I just wanted you to know that my family of Shane, Karnashun, and little Babie Boi are now asleep. I wanted you to know that because you might have a family and wonder what time they go to sleep at, and the answer is around 8:45. I was thinking of names for the Babie boi tama, but I dont think it will work, because he is so sweet. I was thinking of Spark and Spike and Flint. Those are kind of punky names but Pm me is you like them!

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WOW! I havent posted for a looooong time. Well, Shane, of course, had to leave his precious baby with me. Nobody sent me any PMs with any cool boy names, so I had to think of one at the last minute. You would never guess what it was. Ok, here. You will not know what his name is unless you PM me. Ok, here are the choices: 1. SPAX 2. TOFU 3. YOGI One of those names is his name. PM me with your guess and it doesnt matter if your guess is correct because I will still tell you the answer. Here are HIS stats:



Name: ???

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Stress: 63

T: 325

R: 281

O: 309

Jazz Music


Gen. 2


UserName- BUNNI

There we go. I need to play a game with him now. I am going to play SING A SONG.ready... GO!

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!!! I WON!!!




Well thats better. I will let him play with his toy for a while. Now, I am doing this thing that I am going to explain right now:

Ok, so if you want my tama to talk to you, you can PM me that you want to be talked to. I will put your username in one of my posts and let my tama talk to you. Thats all the time I have, so bye! I WILL POST L8ER! BYE!


I was away on the weekend.

I forgot to tell you that my tama (by the way, his name is SPAX.) grew to a teen, (he was another Nonopotchi.) Then he grew into an adult, and he is Androtchi. ♥ ;) ♥ Ok I just ate dinner so I was gone for like 10 minutes. I have to go so I will quickly give you the stats.





~HUNGRY: ♥♥♥

~HAPPY: ♥♥♥♥


~T: 469

~R: 469

~O: 420



~GEN. 2 G



I will feed him LOCO MOCO so his HUNGRY is ♥♥♥♥. Bye! Post L8ER!

~Today I had SCHOOL.~

My friend (I will ask her what I can call her on here.) didnt check her tamagotchi at school and was horrified to find that it had left her. Well she reset it and it was a girl. If I can remember, she came with a karaoke machine, a... toy, (I forgot what the ...toy was.) and 3,000P. Back to my tama. SPAX is doing really well Xept 4 his career. He is... he had a poo. Well I just cleaned it and... there is someone at the door. Who could it be? Ding a ling! He is with his band! Teacher...OoO JUDGES O NO!!!!!!


XOO was the result. Ok that has something to do with his career. He never gets accepted by the judges! How many times can the judges come?!? PLEASE JUDGES COME AGAIN LATER!!! Ok so yeah he is still 999th on his star ranking. I am very sad. Personally, I am not a big fan of Androtchi, so I put a spot costume on him. Stats:





~HUNGRY: ♥♥♥♥

~HAPPY: ♥♥♥♥


~T: 547

~R: 589

~O: 522



~GEN. 2G



Ok there they are. See his Tone Rythem and Original? They are LOW. Well I will let him practice his instrument. OoO HE ALREADY IS!!! PRAISE!!! Ok, cool! His insturment is a trombone and his toy is the rocketship; the same as his fathers. Oh, I miss Shane. Well anyways... never mind. I will stop this post short, cuz theres not much left to say. First lets check in the shop.



Ok, bye! ILL POST L8ER!

Yay! Ok, so SPAX now has 209,787,749 fans and his star ranking is 4th! He got accepted by the judges! YAY!!! OoO AND... This log has now had 50 visitors! After I check the door, (someone is at my tama's door.) I think SPAX will want to say somethingto you. Who is at the door? Mailman... Letter... HEART! AWWW... I wonder if SPAX will get married soon? Ok, here he is!

:furawatchi: SPAX: Hi! I can't believe this log has already got 50 visitors! Well, anyways, I hope my band manager comes soon with a wife. My mom told me that when I have a child, I will have to leave him/ her with mom. I wonder what he/she will be named? Hmmm... I like the name ANGEL for a girl or ICE for a boy. I dont know. Well, I think my mom wants to do stats now. Wait! She said I could do the stats! Ok, here we go.





Hungry: ♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress 56

T: 865

R: 999

O: 778

Jazz Music


Gen. 2G


Username: BUNNI

There. I did the stats. Do you want to hear about my band? Oh wait a sec my mom needs me to eat something. LOBSTER! I have to go eat. Bye!

Me: Ok, there we go. His band is:






Ok, there you go. Bye!

I wont be making any more posts, because sadly, my music star was stolen by a mischevious little boy. Goodbye, music star! I am going to start a new log on my brand new Tama-Go, though, so check that out. :)
