My biggest problem with Tamagotchi


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Active member
May 8, 2012
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Kansas City, USA
I wanted to share my thoughts on my biggest problem with Tamagotchis. I really love playing with them. There's no doubt about that (After all I'm a 26 year old guy and I'm still into them), but I do have one big problem with most versions that I own.

The thing that bothers me the most is that once they become an adult, I get bored with them really quick.

There are a lot of reasons why. First off, the suspense of seeing which character it will evolve into is gone. You no longer have to be very diligent of its care, as the adults require less attention than the younger stages, so right away, there is already less to do with your Tamagotchi. It needs to be fed and played with far less often, and heck, you can even skip the playing part and just feed it full of sweets without any consequences at this stage. So long as you keep your Tama's meters high they won't run away.

I wish it wasn't like this, because getting the adult stage Tamagotchi is practically the goal of the game. The adult characters are the main figures of the series, and often the cutest ones, so they are sort of the goal, but once you get them, in most versions, the game just becomes really flat and boring.

There are, of course, versions that have managed to avoid this problem, but I'm not sure how well. I have three versions (V6, V5, and Tama-go), and of these three, I think the V6 is probably the best at not making the adult stage a dead end. At that point in the game, your Tama has to audition and try to start his professional music career, and at that point you start raking in gobs of cash, there are concerts to perform and new games to play (practice/auditions), and overall, it still remains very involving at that point. You still get visits from people throughout the day with various mail, gifts, paychecks, dating offers. There's a lot for an adult Tama to do in that version. I will say though, that sometimes there is almost TOO much you have to do in this version and it can be rather high-maintenance and annoying.

Tama-go doesn't necessarily get boring as an adult if you have plenty of figures so that you can play many games and buy many neat items. The animations and variety of things to do in that game keep it pretty fun, but one setback is that the tama requires a lot less care in general, so most of the gameplay experience is completely optional, especially once they become an adult. That's fine if you want a really casual experience, but it doesn't really make you feel too engaged when you can get away with ignoring it for long periods of time because nothing new is happening.

My most recent version is the V5, and I'm not sure this one really avoids the problem either. Since my Tamas became adults, not much has happened. Yeah they turned into fat little gross things at one point and I had to make them look at their hideous selves in the mirror to get themselves to work it off and turn back (sorry if you think they're cute), but other than that, nothing new has happened. They simply require occasional food, snacks/play, and poo cleanup, oh yeah and the ocassional "bonding" moment. The night time animations are cute before they go to bed, but they aren't really an interactive event. Not to mention you don't make money very easily in this version and everything in the store seems overpriced or I can't tell what it even is since this version has no text for the items. Really, at this point, I'm kind of bored with the Familitchi and I'm just waiting for them to become dating age so I can hopefully find a suitable match for them and make them parents, unlocking the two extra games that the device teases you with ever since you started it up.

Does anyone else have this problem with Tamas? You get to the adult stage, and you're like "Now what?" and sort of become bored with it. It makes me want to just reset and get a new egg most of the time. Are there other versions that are more involving past the adult stage?

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I know what you mean. One version I like is the V3. The reason is because it never follows a specific growth pattern. Always Random. It sure brings a lot of suspence in wondering what I will get. I also notice that is needs to be feed a little bit more than my other tamas. I would definitely reccomend these as they are really a great tama. Music Star also is a really great way of stopping the "dead end" When I get bored I take it out to do a street performance and try to raise the amount of fans it has(Street performances raise this, however they also raise stress which means I get to play a couple more games with it, although you already know about the music star. Anyways I hope you at least think about buying a V3 they really are worth it.

What I like about the adult is that a whole bunch of options are now open to you. Certain items you couldn't use before are now usable, so virtually, you can use or do anything with your Tamagotchi as an adult. I do get what you are saying (sometimes I feel that I'm neglecting my Tamagotchi more when it's an adult :p ) and I understand.

Maybe you should invest in one of the older Connections, maybe a V3 or a V4.5, for example. This way, you have something to look forward to when your tama becomes an adult. :)

That happens to me sometimes with my tamas. I try making a goal with my Tamagotchis sometimes when they're in adult form or something. When your tama gets to the adult stage you can unlock secret things or you can go to a website with cheats and stuff to do all sorts of cool things. That's what I sometimes do.

Um, yeah, I'm actually like that as well. I always anticipate my Tama evolving into an adult, and when they do I watch them use all the items and stuff, but after a few minutes I feel... bored.

I don't feel this way when I get a character I really love, like Mametchi or Kuromametchi, and I still have fun with V2 and V3 because of the fun games that get unlocked when the Tamagotchi becomes an adult, but yes - once the Tama grows up, there's no more suspense. I used to reset my Tamas all the time as soon as they became adults, but I learned to be patient.

Also with the vintage Tamas, I don't neglect them when they become adults (unless it's a character I dislike) because they will die very soon if you neglect them. :)

I've actually heard of people who feel the opposite, though.

I've actually heard of people who feel the opposite, though.
Like me. When I get an adult character, there's always so much to do with it. On the iD L, for example, you can buy it clothes and get happy symbols and try out the foods and items and visit your parents. On the V6, there are all the auditions and paychecks you pointed out, ShiningLion. On the V4 and V4.5, two of my favourite versions, your character gets a job. I agree that the V5 and Tama-Go are quite boring as adults, though. I personally love achieving getting a good care adult character and just looking after it. :)

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