My Chemical Romance <3


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2006
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Well I didnt find any topics of MCR, so I thought I would make one.

Who here just loves MCR?

I love there music! My fave is "Blood" and "House Of Wolves"

How about You?

No offence but I hate blood. My favorates are "To the end", "Helena", "The black parade", "Vampires will never hurt you", "All I want for Christmas is you", "Teenagers" and "The sharpest lives".

Gerard Way is awesome, he looked kinda good with the blonde hair but he looks WAY better with black hair like on the "Helena" video.

I dont have a fave song. All of their songs have are amazing and have strong messages. Its impossible for me to choose.

All of them have such amazing talent. Ray is a god on his guitar, he is awesome.

Gerard, Mikey and Frank are also da smex. *grin* Yes, I had to say it.

This prob sounds a bit weird to some people. But I know lots at agree with me. Ray has amazing thighs. XD WOAH! LOOK AT BOBS HAIR!

Ok, I am rambling a bit. But My Chemical Romance is so amazing, its hard to say how much I love them

God..I am obsessed.

MCR is a great band =]. My favorite CD is definately Three Cheers for sweet revenge (that was like all I listened to over the summer). Demolition Lovers, Headfirst for Halos, It's Not a Fashion Statement It's a F******* Deathwish, and Disenchanted are some of my favorites. I also like the ending of Vampires will never hurt you.

My've been a fan for such while now, it's hard to explain my love for them.

Playing with my My Chem Action figures bring me joy =]

MCR's my favorite band...My favorite songs at the moment are "My Way Home is Through You," "This Is How I Disappear," "Demolition Lovers," "Give 'Em H**l Kid," and "I Never Told You What I Do For a Living." All five of them are my heroes, one hundred percent. *pokes bottom of signature*

My favorite songs would have to be

Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

Its not a Fashion Statement, its a F*ck*ng Death wish

Kill All Your Friends

Skylines and Turnstiles

House of Wolves

You Don't Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison and


though, they all have meaning. ALL OF THEM.

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge would be my favorite CD, and the first one I got (though, TBP was my obsession for a long time) and my favorite Music Videos would be

The Ghost Of You


Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Vampires Will Never Hurt You, I love it, because hes promising, that the vampires will never hurt her, and if he is bitten, to kill him so he wont hurt her himself. People often, get it wrong, I think.

My've been a fan for such while now, it's hard to explain my love for them.
Playing with my My Chem Action figures bring me joy =]
I have got all of the action figures! I sleep with mine...kinda sad. But, what is awesome, is that I can re-enact the Helena and I'm not Okay(I Promise) video clips with them! MWAHAHA

I wasn't impressed by The Black parade CD, three cheers for sweet revenge was waaaaaaaaaaaaay better though some of the songs on The Black Parade were good, but I've heard that their next albums going to be a bit like Three cheers for sweet revenge so yay!!!

Yeah, I prefer how Revenge sounds, its more...I dont know...punky? The Black Parade is an amazing album, all of the songs still have the same amount of feeling as Revenge but its like the genre just changed.

Tell me if that makes sense, because I will be surprized.

My Chemical Romance is my #1 favorite band. I like a lot of their music, but my favorite song would have to be Disenchanted.

None of my other friends like MCR, so I'm kind of on my own with this music obsession.

Yeah, I prefer how Revenge sounds, its more...I dont know...punky? The Black Parade is an amazing album, all of the songs still have the same amount of feeling as Revenge but its like the genre just changed.
Tell me if that makes sense, because I will be surprized.
Yeah it has, the songs rock but sometimes Gerard sounded like he had a sore throat XD. Hopefully those rumours about their next album being like Three Cheers for sweet revenge are true.

Have any of you guys heard "To the end"? It's amazing (in my opinion), my number one favorite song. I've listened to it like ten times today and I'm still not sick of it.

I like all of their songs, no favorite because they all are my favorite. I have all their actions figures :3 and Fwankies plaid black and white hat.

Frank + Gerard = Ferard = the sex

That and Frikey &gt;:3

YEAH!, um ok yeahs I am offically and mentally addicted to My Chemical Romance, the friggen best band ever! Nothing can stop me!

This must sound so noobish..but why did Gerard dye his hair blonde? He was smexahier with black hair..&lt;3
Something about cancer? Idk..D:
His blonde hair had something to do with the album Welcome to The Black Parade, because all of the members wanted something that changed a lot about who they were. He said he hated the black swoopy hair style and he just wanted to shave it all off, so he wanted this short white hair so he would look like the character The Patient.

Yeah, but he died it black again. Gerard is the total sex no matter what he looks like, but I prefer him with longer hair. It gives Frank something to grab onto. *suggestive eyebrow wiggle!* But I like it when its blond, but growing out and his roots are brown, It looks awesome. He dyed it black again because he was feeling less and less like himself.

*Gasp* IF you forgot Frankles glasses. Nerd!Frank is dam hot. Hmm, he should have work them in the I'm Not Okay(I Promise) video! That would have been so awesome!

I kinda obsess...dont you?

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