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Pink Hippopotumas

Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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Anywhere in Time and Space
ok, so, I have a crush. I am 99% sure he doesnt like me back. I saw him at the selecrive school tests today (im in yr 6) and I didn't know he was doing them! And he is really smart so I think he might get in, but I had a meltdown and started guessing every second question. Even if I do get in, we are not doing the same selective schools! And I will be so sad withput him. And, I am not kidding if he was about to die I would almost kill myself for him. Like say, if someone was about to shoot him I would jump infront of him. What can I do?!?! I only have like 3 more terms with him!!!

Uh...? Yeash, no need to be so obsessed with someone. I never get crushes :) , so I have no idea how you feel and I can't help you. What would I do in a situation like that? I really don't know, I would never be so obsessed with a person - I would just forget about, because I wouldn't have any interest like that in anyone in the first place. You say he doesn't like you? :p Well...if you think he absolutely MUST like you, then tell him flat out. Otherwise, who cares? Crushes are no fun, the answer is - don't get a crush in the first place! Hope this helps...

^ Okay... that's one person's opinion on this...

I know how you feel though, don't worry! It was sort of like me and my crush last semester. We had tons of classes together and we'd always hang out, but this semester have absolutely nothing together and we barely see each other. Which is sort of like you guys going to different schools, I guess.

First of all, are you friends with him? Close friends? Do you guys even talk to each other?

I tried to spend as much time with my crush as possible, but not as following them around and stuff, just talk about different things I guess. Since I knew that we weren't going to see each other much anymore, we exchanged cellphone numbers, and now we text pretty much every day! It kinda makes up for the time lost when I don't see him at school.

I don't know if it's right for you to be THAT obsessed with him, but just try and become really good friends, and he may turn out to like you too!

sigh... I told him. he told everyone. social life is over. BOOM.
He told everyone? :/ Crushes are so random. You never know what they might do. Why can't they just be nice? But noooooo, they have to tell everyone, just to be annoying. :p Does he like you? If you like him, then he should like you back; that makes sense. :) If he doesn't like you, well then, he's just being disrespectful for no reason.

Wow, that's pretty stupid.

I'm sorry to hear. ;/

You deserve someone better than that! Not some stupid guy who tells everyone secrets. -.-

I agree with booboo1. You shouldn't still like him if he tells people your secrets. Anyway, as you said "social life is over", if the people who have started hating you for it aren't gonna accept the truth, they're really not worth having as friends. ;)

~ Dazzmina ~

Hey Pink Hippopotamus, crushes leave both and bad feelings, so go along with this ride enjoying it, whilst also being cautious. I read that you're in Year 6 and that you'd jump in front of him if someone were to shoot him. Just some advice, there's no need to think like that at your age! No such situation should happen any time soon in your lives, and you need to value yourself more than somebody else.

Just always remember to take things easy, don't rush too ahead into things, and still know that you're just a child. I'm sure there'll be many more fish in the sea! :blink:

OFF TOPIC: I'm just going to quickly have a go at your signature's questions!

Difficulty: Easy

  1. Bad Romance
  2. Party Rock Anthem

Difficulty: Medium

  1. You Belong With Me
  2. The Best dang Thing

Difficulty: Hard

  1. World is Mine?
  2. I am the Best! I love that song! :lol:

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grade 6?? not being mean or anything by saying this, but seriously...what is this obsession young people have these days about having to have a bf/gf at such young ages! i don't remember even being interested in boys until i reached my 2nd year of high school....i had a couple crushes in high school (but no bf) and at the time you think you'd do anything to be with that person, but really they're not worth it in the end.

anyway, if i were you i wouldn't even worry about it! it probably doesn't seem like it now, but there is so much to do in life other than worrying about boys (which later in life, you certainly wouldn't kill yourself for, trust me) :)

i remember what that was like.

my whole life i have had obsession problems.

I've always had like 2-3 things i was obsessed with at any given time and since about 6th grade that also included a boy.

I was so crazy back then i would have sworn i was in love with a guy i never even talked to. it really wasn't healthy.

One guy i was really obsessed with in 7th grade did something similar to yours. I gave him a note and he showed it to everyone. D:

My advice is try not to have crushes like this where you are so obsessed. At least try talking to the guy and being friends with him instead of just being stalkerish like me! haha.

I wish i would have dealt with my feelings differently when i was younger. I sure was creepy, no wonder they never liked me back! hahaha

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