My dog :(


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2008
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I am so sad right now! My dog is lost and it's not like the other time he was lost because we found him right away. He's been gone since June 23rd and I didn't even know! I was at my cousins house because it's summer and I wanted to spend some time with them, and my family decided not to tell me that my dog got lost until I came back! I think that it was very selfish of them to do that... If they had told me I would have headed right back home and try to get him back! But no they decided to keep quiet about it and to act normal around me until I got home to find out he's gone myself :D We put some signs out but I don't know if he's even still alive... he might be out dead somewhere. He's either dead, or someone has found him and is taking care of him, or he is in a shelter or he is still wandering around somewhere... I just don't know what to do right now! We already checked at the shelter and he wasn't there... and there are other shelters too but there are so many and he could be at any of them!!! And I don't know how long they hold dogs for until they kill them... And he doesn't have any collar or microchip or anything so that makes it even more difficult to find him! I feel so bad for not getting him a tag or anything because he's the only dog out of my three that doesn't come back when he gets out I FEEL SO DUMB I feel guilty I should have been here instead of with my cousins! And my own mother made me feel more guilty by saying that if I would have been home taking care of him this would have never happened! But they should also be more careful with him and they know that... I'm afraid that I will never see my dog ever again and I miss him so much :' (

Just keep your hopes up about your dog - I know it's stressful but the best thing you can do is just stay positive, because there's still a chance that he is okay. Call the shelters, search the neighborhood, put up posters, ask friends to help, do everything in your power.

Plus, please don't be mad at your family for not telling you sooner. This same thing happened to me when I went to visit my family across the country a couple of summers ago. They only wanted you to have a good time and not worry about your dog while you were gone. If my mom told me what happened while I was on my vacation, it would have ultimately been ruined. I know it sucks now, but you'll understand why they did this. Don't blame yourself for leaving either, as you could have never known this would happen. I blamed myself too, but really there is nothing you could have done to stop it. You're angry right now, and want to blame everyone, but it was no one's fault. Again, I felt the same way and I hated the world.

I hope everything will turn out okay, keep your spirits up.

I'm so sorry about your dog! Keep thinking positive thoughts and doing what you can to find him. If your dog is at a shelter, from my understanding, they won't kill dogs if they're there for too long, that is just plain WRONG. I hope things turn out well for you too! Keep your spirits up! :D

Well I should have mentioned this a while ago.... but I found him : DDDD

We found him on June 29th :mellow: And I was so happy! But it was very weird how we found him.... it turns out he was at the same exact shelter that we went to to look for him! But for some reason he was in another room with other dogs that I didn't even know existed there! We could have found him way earlier, and to get into the room you needed someone to let you in because it was locked. The way that I found out he was there was on the internet! I went to the shelters websites and looked at the pictures of the dogs that they had. As I was looking through the pictures I saw a picture of a dog that look exactly like mine, and it was him! I was so excited and was so in shock xD And on the website it said that he had been in the shelter since like June 17th when my mom said he got lost on the 23rd so I am still very confused on that... but I am so thankful that they didn't kill him! Because I thought that they held strays for 5 days and they held him for almost 2 weeks! It cost like 160 dollars to get him out... but it was actually a pretty good deal because it could have been like 260 dollars! But they told us that if we let them neuter him that they will not only pay for the surgery, but drop our total cost by 100 dollars! So that was something we couldn't turn down :) And they also told us that he had kennel cough but they also gave us medicine for that too and they registered him because he wasn't registered before... >_> and they also gave him his rabies shot, so everything is fine and dandy now : D

Except I need to take him to the groomers ( he needs a good grooming...badly!!) and I need to come up with the money because my mom won't pay for it because it's too expensive sometimes and she already paid money to get him out so I might need to sell my tamagotchis... so yeah :|

Yes, I was going to suggest getting him chipped. All dogs now should be.

Congrats on getting him back.

I do want to :( And thanks. You can close

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