My Drawing


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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2006
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[SIZE=21pt]...:::WARNING: For those of you with really really REALLY faint hearts... please don't look. It's kind of morbid and has some blood in it so don't look if you are really REALLY squeamish! But I absolutely HATE horror and I drew this so it's not that bad! --- Don't worry, I'm not depressed or anything! :( :::....[/SIZE]

This pic shows 10 ways how people have died:

1. shot through the head

2. no oxygen

3. being hung

4. drowned

5. Heart Cut out

6. Cut Wrists

7. Sickness/old age

8. Bleeding to death/beaten

9. Scythe

10. Snake Bite (on the leg)

[SIZE=10pt](I am EXTREMELY sorry if this is not allowed on TT. I will gladly delete the picture if it's not appropriate! I apologize to ALL of tamatalk and if this typ of image is not permitted please inform me so i can watch out in the future!)[/SIZE]

Death's Angel

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Wow! I give it a 10! It's very good, well, to me because I can't draw as good as you can!

tamasweet2 :(

Aww Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! I was afraid no one would! lol

When I scanned it... her feet kinda got cut off from the picture

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Ya... All my pics are rather sketchy. I like that type of look and also, since i have a big eraser it's hard to erase the sketch lines without erasing lines that are supposed to be there

Ya... All my pics are rather sketchy. I like that type of look and also, since i have a big eraser it's hard to erase the sketch lines without erasing lines that are supposed to be there
When I do art, I like to use a machanical pencil. The erasers work really well on those.

Why don't you try it?

It is a pretty picture, better then alot of stuff I can draw ^^ Though I prefer to draw more Cartoony looking stuff

9.5/10 ^^

You are definetely a talented drawer, and I love the skill and technique put into your drawing.

7/10. ^_^ Very nice job.



I get to be the critic.

Don't shoot me..

Generally, your anatomy is good. There are a few things here and there, but good. Your clothing is good, textured, yes, a bit symmertrical, but okay.

Horror and macabre. There's more too it then blood and guts. Okay? I'm generally not very interested in horror and macabre, but it's not my approval you want here. I would also tend to stay away from drawing anime girls in that category, oh, because some people call it fetish art and I'm sure you don't want to go there. >__>

Your wings are too cutesy and not good for flying with.. It's something I pick at a lot, but your wings need a sholder, elbow, and a wrist. Not a ^ shape.

I think this is really good, but there are a lot of things that you need to work with. And if this was on DA, it would most likely get more favorites then my most favorited deviation. But ignoring that..

EDIT// And if you REALLY want to improve and not just have your ego stroked, is the place to go.

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I get to be the critic.

Don't shoot me..

Generally, your anatomy is good. There are a few things here and there, but good. Your clothing is good, textured, yes, a bit symmertrical, but okay.

Horror and macabre. There's more too it then blood and guts. Okay? I'm generally not very interested in horror and macabre, but it's not my approval you want here. I would also tend to stay away from drawing anime girls in that category, oh, because some people call it fetish art and I'm sure you don't want to go there. >__>

Your wings are too cutesy and not good for flying with.. It's something I pick at a lot, but your wings need a sholder, elbow, and a wrist. Not a ^ shape.

I think this is really good, but there are a lot of things that you need to work with. And if this was on DA, it would most likely get more favorites then my most favorited deviation. But ignoring that..

EDIT// And if you REALLY want to improve and not just have your ego stroked, is the place to go.
Thank you for your critique (or however you spelled it)

This was the first time i drew gore and I understand that it's not that great. My style of drawing currently is anime, so that is the style i am used to working with. This was a quick drawing, maybe an hour or so to create so the anatomy isn't all perfected. "Death's Angel" Started out to be a simplistic drawing with no real detial, kind of a simple, smooth lined girl but, if you knew me, I always have to have detail so it changed.

I am just learning how to draw clothing. Originally my clothing was either too creased/wrinkled, or so smooth it didn't look real. I have never taken lessons in my life and I am teaching myself. I have looked through manga books and pictures of anime and have adopted different styles and taught myself how to give a person the look of a favored picture. So I am working hard.

The wings weren't meant to have a flying position. Usually my "darker" drawings have small wings such as those (if they even have wings) because I invision them as creeping out/forming from the shadow. The wings are meant to give the "creature" the illusion of an angel but there is no use for them. I see what you mean by too cutesy. You see I am working on wings and i am trying to find the way to draw wings that work for me. I usually don't like spending so much time on detail, that's why the wings look like crap ^,^

This was a quick drawing that started out on a bus, so it is not as good as some other works...

Temari_Sensei_girl: I use actual art pencils like: 4H, 2B, B, 6H... Mechanical pencils are horrid for sketch books. They smear to much and since I am a lefty my hand drags across the page smudging every inch of the picture. So i start out with the lightest pencil that doesn't smear and go from ther


"The wings weren't meant to have a flying position. Usually my "darker" drawings have small wings such as those (if they even have wings) because I invision them as creeping out/forming from the shadow. The wings are meant to give the "creature" the illusion of an angel but there is no use for them. I see what you mean by too cutesy. You see I am working on wings and i am trying to find the way to draw wings that work for me. I usually don't like spending so much time on detail, that's why the wings look like crap ^,^"

Well, I actually find wings to be really easy without much effort; drawing wings is one of my most self-valued skills. The trick is to get the feathers in curving layers, making them look complicated.

I like it but it's a bit hard to see.

If I can make a suggestion, you should ink the picture so there's a darker outline and it's easier to tell what's happening.

I gave 4/5.

Thanks. I will do that today and see if i can make the picture darker and easier to see

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