My Evil Twin~Part 12!


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Apr 17, 2008
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[SIZE=14pt]~PART 12!~[/SIZE]

The next day Tally dropped Juliana and Justin Jr. off at a nearby preschool. She didn't want them to be in danger of Victoria kidnapping them.

Then she checked a phone book in a nearby phonebooth.

"Jacobs..." she said, checking for his (& her) last name. "There! Justin Jacobs! He lives on Angle Avenue."

Then Tally drove to Angle Ave. She knew this was right because she recognized the street.

She cautiously walked up to his house and rang the doorbell. But Tally was scared. What if Victoria opened the door?? Tally held her breath, but exhaled happily when Justin came to greet her.

"Tally?" he said. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Why didn't you come?" asked Tally. "I waited and waited for you."

"Um..." began Justin. "I looked and looked, but I couldn't find you. And you're lucky that Victoria isn't here now. She has a 'new project'- some other Tama to capture, that is."

"Who?" wondered Tally.

"From what Victoria said, she is a Memetchi named Sally. Or something like that," Justin replied.

"Come with me," Tally said. "We can go live somewhere else. We can go now."

"But why don't you stay here?" suggested Justin. "I can make Victoria leave. She'll listen to me."

"I'm not sure," said Tally.

"COME!" Justin said in a harsh voice. The Mametchi evaporated and Victoria took his place. The blue Violetchi then bound her with a magical rope.

"So you and Justin are married?" said Victoria. "Interesting..."

"Don't hurt him!" cried the Maidtchi. But Victoria didn't listen. Instead she threw her into a room, this time with not even a window.

"I won't," the Violetchi slyly promised. "But you'll never see him again!"

The door slammed.

Will Tally ever escape? Will Justin find out? Wait until Part 13!!


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