My father is ragging on me about me owning a Tama


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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Sorry but I have to rant for a while.

My dad thinks I behave like a eleven year old just because I play with a v3 Tamagtochi at the age of nineteen and will soon be a College student. Exsuse me but I think its is safe to say that a lot of people on this site are over the age of twenty or even older then that. Or people of those older ages who play with Tamagtochis.

Just because I'm nineteen years old I'm not allowed to play with a tama? Just because I like Tamagtochis, play video games, like drawing and read Japanese Manga doesn't mean I'm immecure! I'm a lot more well behaved and responselbe then most people that are my age and going to College.

My dad thinks that the second you turn thirteen you need to throw everything fun out the window. And that your life from that day on goes as thus: get up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. In that order.

Exsuse me...but just because he wants to be a boring, over stressed, grump who has NO HOBBIES OR FUN THINGS IN HIS LIFE, aside from complaining and sitting around watching TV after work. Doesn't mean I want to.

If anything...he is the eleven year old here! A very sad fifty one year old eleven year old.

why dont you prove to him that you can make him just as proud of you.. regardless of wether you have a tama or not..

Maybe you could work at bandai part-time to show that even making tamas has something to it.

how do u get a job at bandai??? :wub: any ways... just tell ur dad that there are much older people that still plays with tamas! :) some people on TT are even 30+!!! :lol: (not me though...)-ilm :wub:
Thats what I tell him! and he says this everytime:

"No self respecting adult plays with those stupid eggs."

He's the stupid one for thinking life is all work and no play. Heck I bet Admin is older then me and plays with tamas! Even made this popular webpage!

a lot of people play with tamas!!!!! i dont understand! ur dad doesnt make sence! he too has to take a breather sometimes!!! some people prefer tamas for their little breaks! just show him this topic and show him that its true!!! fight for the tamas!!! if u wanna talk about this further u can pm me!

-ilm :wub:

Stop whining and play with your Tamagotchi. Honestly, you are 19 years old. You are old enough to make these sorts of choices for yourself. You shouldn't get your knickers in a knot over some trivial rubbish your dad tells you.

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well im 21 and i have a v3.... the most i've heard is "omg you have a tamagotchi they still make thoes?!!! "

but thats it... but i never play with it openly in public.. sadly i find it embarassing cuz i guess i am maybe too old to be playing with them, but im sorry i just love them... and i guess i feel better knowing they're safe and warm protected in my poket 24-7 lol

i dont know what i am going to do now however since i just bought another v3 and an Angelgotchi (with a pink glittzy shell case) ^o^

cant hide them anymore D:

oh well.. lol

dont worry about your dad, next time he says anything just be like "lol for someone who finds my little trinket here so childish you cant stop talking about it.... maybe i should place an order for you?" :wub:

But its insulting to me Ristar...I work really hard to make myself a success in the world! I'm trying to find a good job so I can help my father with my college exspenses. But since I didn't get the last job I apllid for, my dads been picking on me about everything I do. Makes fun of me playing video games, shakes his head when I'm reading comics.

And when I'm sitting there taking care of my tamagtochi, he looks like he's ready to snatch from my hands and throw in out the window, or the trash or something.

I'm so worryed he'll throw it out while I'm sleeping that I've gone into hiding it before I go to bed, and I make sure he's asleep before I hide it, and change the hiding spot every few days.

Well if that's the case you should be filling out applications and sending out your resume to poeple when your dad's around. Reading comics and playing video games are nice, but you gotta show that you are putting in an effort, too.

Not getting one job isn't bad either. You can't get every job you apply for.

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I do all that stuff when he's around. But despite that so long as I play with tama's, read comics and play video games none of that matters! Its as if he's hinting to this: If your going to play with baby toys, then I won't reconize your efforts.

I write and send out my resumes around him, and he rolls his eyes as if I'm making a sad attempt at showing him I'm mature, when to him I'm clearly not because I still play with tamas.

Sorry but I have to rant for a while.
My dad thinks I behave like a eleven year old just because I play with a v3 Tamagtochi at the age of nineteen and will soon be a College student. Exsuse me but I think its is safe to say that a lot of people on this site are over the age of twenty or even older then that. Or people of those older ages who play with Tamagtochis.

Just because I'm nineteen years old I'm not allowed to play with a tama? Just because I like Tamagtochis, play video games, like drawing and read Japanese Manga doesn't mean I'm immecure! I'm a lot more well behaved and responselbe then most people that are my age and going to College.

My dad thinks that the second you turn thirteen you need to throw everything fun out the window. And that your life from that day on goes as thus: get up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. In that order.

Exsuse me...but just because he wants to be a boring, over stressed, grump who has NO HOBBIES OR FUN THINGS IN HIS LIFE, aside from complaining and sitting around watching TV after work. Doesn't mean I want to.

If anything...he is the eleven year old here! A very sad fifty one year old eleven year old.
u are not 19 thank u very much u act like a 12/13 year old not for playing with a V3 but for listening to your dad and doing very non teenages things trust me I got a 17 bro and he has friendsa that are 20 but dont act like u so stop acting like your 19!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so! I was born the 20th of May in the year 1987. Please do then math, and just so you know I could not have made up the date because I'm horrible at math.

Uhhh... Okay. I think it's your dad that just has the issue. Let me put things into perspective - I have a collection of 35 Tamagotchi, a PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, DS, 2 GBAs, several manga and anime, as well as a crapload of Final Fantasy figurines, and I'm studying at college/university/whatever you want to call it, and I just turned 20. Putting all this in mind, my parents love and respect me for exactly who I am and what I do, so I don't think it's you that is the problem - it's your dad.

It's high time you told your dad to grow up and quit being such a bigot (sorry, most appropriate word I could think of) and tell him respect you for who you are because, no matter what, you're not changing yourself for ANYONE. Essentially, Put Up or Shut Up. You're 100% happy with who you are, and he should be too.

If you weren't showing your own initiative and weren't looking forward to going to college, I can understand his view, but the fact that you play your games in moderation while making sure college is a priority is excellent.

I'd ignore him for the most part. Be rebellious. Do whatever you want to do within reasonable limitations so you can show him that so long as you're happy, he should be a loving father and be happy with you as well.

I am so! I was born the 20th of May in the year 1987. Please do then math, and just so you know I could not have made up the date because I'm horrible at math.
I know one thing for sure is 19 year olds dont play with tamagotchis lier lier your heads on fire u might just be a dier!

Sorry but I have to rant for a while.
My dad thinks I behave like a eleven year old just because I play with a v3 Tamagtochi at the age of nineteen and will soon be a College student. Exsuse me but I think its is safe to say that a lot of people on this site are over the age of twenty or even older then that. Or people of those older ages who play with Tamagtochis.

Just because I'm nineteen years old I'm not allowed to play with a tama? Just because I like Tamagtochis, play video games, like drawing and read Japanese Manga doesn't mean I'm immecure! I'm a lot more well behaved and responselbe then most people that are my age and going to College.

My dad thinks that the second you turn thirteen you need to throw everything fun out the window. And that your life from that day on goes as thus: get up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. In that order.

Exsuse me...but just because he wants to be a boring, over stressed, grump who has NO HOBBIES OR FUN THINGS IN HIS LIFE, aside from complaining and sitting around watching TV after work. Doesn't mean I want to.

If anything...he is the eleven year old here! A very sad fifty one year old eleven year old.
im 12, but i no how 2 liv my life, and i say LIVE LIFE 2 THE FULL!! enjoy everythin u can and have all the fun u want, u only liv once! ignore ur dad! thats wat i do wen my parents say im immature, i dont care if im immature, ill live life my way! u hav fun with a tama? then play with yer tama! if u think about it, listening 2 yer dad sounds like throwing everythin enjoyable in life away, and i say life is meaningless if u cant live it with some happiness!

i go through the same prob almost every day, but i completely ignore it.

u live ur life ur way, dont listen 2 others wen they say anythin like that!

Sorry but I have to rant for a while.
My dad thinks I behave like a eleven year old just because I play with a v3 Tamagtochi at the age of nineteen and will soon be a College student. Exsuse me but I think its is safe to say that a lot of people on this site are over the age of twenty or even older then that. Or people of those older ages who play with Tamagtochis.

Just because I'm nineteen years old I'm not allowed to play with a tama? Just because I like Tamagtochis, play video games, like drawing and read Japanese Manga doesn't mean I'm immecure! I'm a lot more well behaved and responselbe then most people that are my age and going to College.

My dad thinks that the second you turn thirteen you need to throw everything fun out the window. And that your life from that day on goes as thus: get up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. In that order.

Exsuse me...but just because he wants to be a boring, over stressed, grump who has NO HOBBIES OR FUN THINGS IN HIS LIFE, aside from complaining and sitting around watching TV after work. Doesn't mean I want to.

If anything...he is the eleven year old here! A very sad fifty one year old eleven year old.
Aw.. I feel really sorry for you. :huh:

I am 10 years old-nearly 11 and I love to play on my xbox, gameboy, nintendo DS, tamas etc.

There are lots and lots of people your age from all over the world that play with tamas. :lol:

Just tell your dad how you feel and maybe he'll understand. :lol:

Good luck!

-sk8er girl-

I know one thing for sure is 19 year olds dont play with tamagotchis lier lier your heads on fire u might just be a dier!
oi! u can butt out if ur gonna b like that!! ANY1 CAN PLAY WITH TAMAS IF THEY WANT 2 SO GO AWAY IF U GONNA B LIKE DAT!!!

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