My friend


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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
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ontario, canada
my friend has a boyfriend thats 5 years older than her (shes 14 and hes 19) i told her that hes too old for her and she doesnt listen to me. so i was wondering, is he really too old for her? what do I do

Well she's a minor and he's an adult and if they've been having sex he would be sent to prision because I think it's considered rape anyway. You've done everything you can but she probably thinks it's none of your business, but if you can why not tell an adult or just someone to talk to who you know just to see if there's anything else you can do.

You could probably say he is too old for her. She is probably very immature towards him because in them 5 years you mature alot. But my friends 17 and she's going out with a 21 year old and they are fine.

They are too old for eachother. I mean, a teenager and an adult? I don't think that is very good.. Since you tried your best, you can really do anything except inform the parents and have them jump into action. That is all you can do, basically.


Providing they haven't been having sex it's OK.

Granted it's a bit odd for a high school girl to go out with someone who is 19 but as long as they aren't breaking the law it should be fine.

In the end he'll probably dump her because she is so young. You can tell an adult who will probably tell her parents or you could tell her parents. But if she finds out it was you she may not be to happy about it but at least then your mind would be at rest.

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It's like I always say:

Age doesn't matter -- unless you're a cheese.

It's her choice, her life, and age never stopped true love.

But do what you wish -- nobody's stoppin' ya.

You're gonna do what you want to do anyway.

Well...As long as he's not using her, it should be Ok. D:

But just make sure to look out for him...>.>

Who knows if he's a good guy or not. =O

Lol, most likely a good guy though ^.^

like someone said, i would watch out for your friend, and the person she's with even if she won't listen to you, because it's possible the guy may end up hurting her in the end. if you really need to, tell someone you trust what's going on. your friend may thank you in the end. :blink:

Everyone - think about you or a friend's parents, for example. More often then not there is an age difference. He is not too old for her. True love tends to be rare. I am lucky - my parents were one of those few couples that were actually extremely compatible. They NEVER fought. Ever. They would have been together for exactly 25 years if he hadn't died of cancer. And here's the proof age difference doesn't matter - believe it or not, my dad was 15 years older than my mom. That's right. 15 years. And they were perfect for each other. When my mom first met him, her first thought was "He's too old for me." Once they got to know each other and started dating, they realized that even though they had a tremendous age difference, they loved each other so much it didn't matter. Just my two cents.

Perhaps the age difference is a bit too much, but you have also got to remember that love can come with a huge age difference, and still be a successful relationship. What I would suggest is to tell her to ask herself "Is this really what I want? and, "Is this going to work?" But it is her decision on what to do.

well, they broke up yesterday. She said "I agree with you, hes too old" that that mademe relieved, but now she wants to go out with me! but i seriously dont want to! What do i tell her? i dont want her to get mad. Whats a guy to do?

well, they broke up yesterday. She said "I agree with you, hes too old" that that mademe relieved, but now she wants to go out with me! but i seriously dont want to! What do i tell her? i dont want her to get mad. Whats a guy to do?
Well first off before I answer your current question, I will add my 2 cents no the whole age thing.

If both people are consenting adults (at least 18 years old) then the age difference isn't a problem with me...but because one's a kid and one's an adult...yeah. Enough said there lol.

Now your current problem. It sounds to me she's going to you now as a form of rebound. The fact she wants to date you now so quickly proves this theory. I suggest if you do not want to go to that next level, just be honest with her, be kind, and tell her your friendship means that much to you, hence why you don't want to complicate things with a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

Hope it helps! Just keep in mind if she gets mad, that's her choice and you did the right thing :blink:

way way way too old. when there older and he's 31 and she's 26-27 that would be more understandable. but he's a legal adult and she cant drive yet. thats not such a good idea. besides, if he really likes her he'll wait for her.

Right now, at the age she's at, it may seem a bit old. As long as they're not having sex, I don't see what the problem is. He can go to jail for having sex with a minor. I think that when she gets a bit older, the age difference will seem less of an issue.

its probably okay as long as her parents are kool w/ it. hav u ever actually met the guy? if he seems really awkward around u or her or anything, then it might not be a good idea.

i would explain to her about y having an older guy is soo bad.

and they are right , if they are having sex he can be fined or jailed for sexual battery or


good luck!

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