My friend


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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A few days ago, something happened between my friend and I. My friend is from Korea and is very sensitive.

Anyway, it was lunch time and we met eachother at the corner and she said she wanted me to go with her to give something to one of her teachers. But because there was a maths test after lunch and I hadn't studied, I said I couldn't. She kept going no and trying to get me to come with her, but I care about what I get on my tests.

She walked away and muttered something and hasn't talked to me since.

The day before yesterday she ignored me all day. Not a single word came out of her mouth to me all day. I tried to talk to her, but she just won't talk. I tried everything, I really did. I can't stand people ignoring me when I didn't do anything to deserve it.

Yesterday, boy she was angry! During english, she sits next to me. She mutters stuff in Korean and Japanese and writing stuff on her books and they were Korean swear words, I can remember them because once she told me a few of them but not in an attack.

In maths, she sits next to me there too. She scribbles all over my book saying I'm stupid, and I'm NOT!!!! She is writing in her book, drawing the finger holding it up and scowling at me, and is just dam right being an idiot.

I am starting to get really angry. I don't know what I did wrong. If it was about the thing during lunch, which it probably was, I needed to study and she could've taken the thing up to her teacher by herself. She's not a baby and she's been at the school since January and she knows her way around. She doesnt need me to come with her everywhere and do everything for her. I don't know why she gets so angry at me for such a small event. I mean, if anything like that happened to me I would just do it myself and not carry on like this, because this is just stupid.

I am seriously considering moving away from her in maths and english. There is no point sitting next to someone who won't communicate with me, let alone look at me.

I was put next to her in English because she needed help, and I got moved away from next to my crush. My english teacher expects to much of us. Get an assignment this day, due in one week. Get another one the next day and balh bla blah blah blah! My friend can't keep up with it and she put me next to hER.


Well your friend is'nt treating you very well at all but mabye you should give some space for awile ask your teachers

if you coluld swtch seats for a bit. If this doesn't clear up mabye you should ask the school counslour (if you have one)or a teacher if you colud sit down and reslove that issue.

It's okay to take time to go off on your own and not talk to you, but when she does stupid things such as writing rude things and attacks towards you, that's being a little ridiculous. I can see why you're getting fed up.

Obviously being from another county and being from an entirely different culture is causing miscommunication between the two of you. I know with a friend of mine whom I met in Semester one of Radio Broadcasting, she was from China and I had to explain some of our jokes to her and other culture differences we'd talk about so I could get where she was coming from. I I believe she misunderstood your intentions not going with her and took it as a personal attack. If you have already explained to her the first time why you did not want to go, then she's just not being reasonable.

Anyway instead of reattempting communication, talk to your teachers about the problem and ask for any suggestions or well as asking to sit somewhere else in the classroom. Make sure they know the things she's writing in attack towards you and make sure at least one of the teachers will talk with her and find out why she is acting like this. Could turn out none of her behaviour has anything to do with you, could be problems at home.

At any rate if you do all this and nothing good has come from it, cut your losses and just disassociate from her completely. You deserve respect just as much as she does, and if she ever realizes the friend she lost...well...I highly recommended if she returns to you and is sorry, make sure she knows she will have to EARN the friendship back. If there's anything I've learned from past friendships is if they're acting stupid like that and suddenly out of the blue they wanna make up, make sure you tell them you are still hurt and 1. she needs to earn trust and respect back and 2. you'd expect her to ask for the same if you really upset her.

Hope my rambling helps! Good luck!

She doesn't sound very nice! Tell her your not gonna baby her aroundand go everywhere with her, she can handle it herself. Or just ignore her, and let it get to her and you'll win this battle of whayever it is!


It dosen't matter what race your "friend" has she has no right to do that. Its like saying your from Easter Land and you deserve all the attention you could get. Tell the teacher and end this off. You don't need to be ruled over by someone. And its not right for her to tell you the swearwords, giving you the finger,and writing them in your book? Thats called passing notes. Rip off the page and give it to the teacher if you have to. Nobody has the right to do that. And you didn't spell **** right.

That is seriously overreacting. o___o

"Come with me to do this!"

"Sorry, I have to study."


If she does this a lot, or if this isn't ordinary, you shouldn't be her friend.

It sounds like your friend is overreacting to things. You don't have to go with her everywhere. She isn't a 2 year old baby. (but she is acting like one) Try to talk to a teacher if you can't talk to her. If she still doesn't talk to you, she doesn't sound like a true friend, so I'd dis her and go with other people.

Spring holidays just started. She is going to be angry all holidays. I will ask to move away from her when we go back to school, and anyway our seating plan normally gets switched after every term. But, the stupid teacher will insist on staying there cause she needs help. But what if she wants help, but not MY help? Or what if I get so fed up that I don't even want to try to help her? The point is my english teacher probably won't move me unfortunately.

Spring holidays just started. She is going to be angry all holidays. I will ask to move away from her when we go back to school, and anyway our seating plan normally gets switched after every term. But, the stupid teacher will insist on staying there cause she needs help. But what if she wants help, but not MY help? Or what if I get so fed up that I don't even want to try to help her? The point is my english teacher probably won't move me unfortunately.
This is why you will have to explain EVERYTHING to said teacher. Explain to them her behaviour and the fact you can't force her to take your help anymore since she obviously wants nothing to do with you. If you explain that to the teacher, I think they'll realize moving is the only way.

Plus add to them that her behaviour distracts you from your work, so why risk your working habits just to be beside her? Doesn't make sense to me.

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