My friend...


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2007
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i dont remember..LOL
Well see my friend is bi (lets call her stacey).Stacey is having problems..Well at least I think she is. She walked up to me earlier today and told me she went straight.. And I asked her if it was for a guy and she said yes. I'm concerned about this..she's changing herslef just to be with a guy..I've already tried talking to her but she won't listen. And now when I walk with her and my friends..I'm like a shadow compared to them..I just follow them where ever they go and do whatever they wanna do. Should I diss my friends just to get some recognition? I think not...But I don't want to feel like their shadow and feel unwanted..What should I do? :D

well, she's only going straight at the moment for the guy

if things don't work, she'll probably go back to girls/boys

and that's not right of them to ignore them.

confront them- say 'do you guys just want me to leave you alone?'

and see what they say.

try to talk about it with them

I think it is good that your friend wants to become straight. Of course that's completely natural. I am straight; so is everyone else I know. In my opinion, it's the best and most respectable way to be. She's changed the way she looks at people because she loves this guy. You should be happy for her. :D

This is my opinion. Please no flaming.


I think it is good that your friend wants to become straight. Of course that's completely natural. I am straight; so is everyone else I know. In my opinion, it's the best and most respectable way to be. She's changed the way she looks at people because she loves this guy. You should be happy for her. :D
This is my opinion. Please no flaming.

Even though you said no flaming, i completely disagree with what you just said and i can't help myself.

How come Gay and Bi people are so abnormal to you? It's EXACTLY like someone hating you because you have an accent or something. That doesn't seem normal does it? And don't go all, "The bible clearly states that gay's/lesbians/bi's are not allowed." Or " Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve". I am a believer of god. But if god is such a very open and excepting person doesn't it seem improper for anyone to assume that another person is going to hell for being different? That doesn't seem right.

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I think it is good that your friend wants to become straight. Of course that's completely natural. I am straight; so is everyone else I know. In my opinion, it's the best and most respectable way to be. She's changed the way she looks at people because she loves this guy. You should be happy for her. :D
This is my opinion. Please no flaming.

hold up, hold up.

so, being bisexual/homosexual is un respectable? they can't be respected?

and how is being straight the best way to live?

any way some one choses to live life can be the best.

people have different ways of life, you know.

and why should she be happy for her?

she's changing her ways over one guy.

how does she even know it's the right guy?

and i think the poster of this topic has a reason to not be happy about her changing all of a sudden.

but then again, is her friend truley changing?

she's bi- wouldn't that mean she liked men and wemon?


i'm confused now.


and sorry if i come across as rude or anything,

i just had to point that out. i don't mean to argue, just a sharing of personal thoughts/opinions.

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hold up, hold, being bisexual/homosexual is un respectable? they can't be respected?

and how is being straight the best way to live?

any way some one choses to live life can be the best.

people have different ways of life, you know.

and why should she be happy for her?

she's changing her ways over one guy.

how does she even know it's the right guy?

and i think the poster of this topic has a reason to not be happy about her changing all of a sudden.

but then again, is her friend truley changing?

she's bi- wouldn't that mean she liked men and wemon?


i'm confused now.


and sorry if i come across as rude or anything,

i just had to point that out. i don't mean to argue, just a sharing of personal thoughts/opinions.
Edit: Oh haha, sorry! I thought you said that the poster of this topic doesn't have a reason for her friend to be changing all the sudden. My bad! x[

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