My god


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Mar 1, 2009
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Ok so I used to date this guy. We broke up. I am txting his best friend and hes scareing me because hes like "Do you like me?" "What would you say if I asked you out?" I said yes. What have I done??!?

Nope he was'nt joking. TOday he came up to me and put his arm around me and I don't even know anymore ;_;;

I like so many guys and hes not one of them ;_;;

then just tell hem you do not want to go out with someone because you r still getting over his friend...or tell hem your frend said that not you...well i have never hade a boyfriend but i help my friend all the time. if that dose not work tell me

^^ I've used it many times. Its rather good to scare them off. I can always talk my way out of it.
Once, I told a guy that it was against my religion to date him. He was like, "What's your religion?" And I was like, "I have none." And he said "So, can we go out?" And I was like, "So, can you take a hint?" And it was a moment of laughter.

What a slow guy.

Or you can find a reason to have a spaz at them. Although Ethan never did understand that when I said I hated him and would be happy if he fell off a bridge that it mean't i'll never go out with you. So i got his number blocked xD

I have gone around the school practically screaming into the hallways that I don't date, and the next person that asks me out will get their eyes clawed out. And yet, they continue to ask me...

Do they somehow think their different than the thirty other guys? I mean really.

They are teenage boys. You know all they think about and most of them are cocky. [sorry boys but its the truth]

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