My Golden Tamagotchi Connection Version 3


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2004
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December 12, 2006.

I got home from school as usual. Checked the mail, went into the house, logged onto TamaTalk, worked on homework. Usual stuff.

Then I go outside again to double-check the mail and notice something unusual. On the bench next to my front door is a little manilla envolope.

I picked it up. It's from Bandai. And my name is on it.

Yes, I knew what was in it. Back in October, I went onto the Tamagotchi website every day and answered the quiz question available that day. I got a notice in my inbox, filled out a form and faxed it.

And now it was here.

I took it into the house and first took a picture of the package before opening it. I don't have the GREATEST digital camera in the world, so please bare with me here.

The Package - Click for picture!

(Yeah, I blacked out my adress from the picture. HA! :) )

One thing I noticed immediately was how small the package was compared to the regular V3 packaging. I wondered if it came with no packaging...

After taking that picture, I carefully unsealed the envelope and opened it. The first thing I smelled nice. o.o

The inside was lined with bubble wrap. There was a large, folded paper inside, as well as something else. I reached inside and looked over the letter first. It was a congradulating letter for me for winning the prize. Putting the letter inside, I took the second object out...


The Golden Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 came in a very small egg-shapped packaging. To compare, it was roughly about the size of the Keitai and Akai packaging. To put it simply, make two fists and stack one on top of the other, and there's how big it was.

The back had a bit of the Golden Tama history, and had my Tamagotchi's number labeled on the back of the egg itself. Of the 2500 Gold Tamas produced, mines was #0650.

I do NOT plan on taking it out of its case and playing with it. I might sell it eventually, but for now, enjoy the pics! :huh:


(P.S. I hope I ain't bragging... @-@)

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Wow cngrat!But you could have made in not so dramatic I felt like you were rubbing it in our faces.

Wow cngrat!But you could have made in not so dramatic I felt like you were rubbing it in our faces.
Thanks, and really? *runs off to check and make edits*

One fellow Tamatalk member, Lilyrox, also won a Golden Tama...and she's selling hers!

eBay page

Her pics are WAY better than mine :angry: :)


Wow! Congrats!! :angry: You are so lucky! But why don't you play with it? It's so pretty with the gold color and all.

Wow! Congrats!! :angry: You are so lucky! But why don't you play with it? It's so pretty with the gold color and all.
That's why I won't play with it. If I take it out, it'll eventually ruin the pretty (not to mention exclusive) gold color. D:

That's why I won't play with it. If I take it out, it'll eventually ruin the pretty (not to mention exclusive) gold color. D:
Awww...well I guess you're right. :angry: But doesn't it bother you that all you can do is look at it?

I actually got mine today as well I got a call from fedx confirming my address and when I got the package I was so excted :angry: like you im not opening mine I have 3 girls that will enjoy it one day

I would have entered, but it was US only I think so I couldn't enter. If it wasn't US it was America. Anyways, congratulations!

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One fellow Tamatalk member, Lilyrox, also won a Golden Tama...and she's selling hers!
eBay page

Her pics are WAY better than mine :) :(

OMG Who would spend almost $200.00 on a tamagotchi? It works just like the others right. :lol: It's not like it's REAL gold or anything.

Is it made of real gold?


OMG Who would spend almost $200.00 on a tamagotchi? It works just like the others right. :lol: It's not like it's REAL gold or anything.
Is it made of real gold?

It works just like any other V3, but the fact that it's a Limited Edition makes it much more valuable than a standard V3. People like to get Limited Edition items and not use them, and that makes them more valuable over time. So the gold V3 might be worth $200 U.S. now, but could be worth $25,000 in the future.

If anybody wants a more detailed explenation, just ask. And no, it's not made of real gold. ^_^


Wow!! I saw that competition but i wasn't allowed to enter. Congratulations, it is so pretty!! And I understand why you aren't going to open it!


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