My Golden Tamagotchi Connection Version 3


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thats right! its not real gold, so y waste $200 on a normal v3 with gold colouring. f it would wear off, the thats just stupid. thats not real gold. i dont see the point.

but it would b kinda cool getting something excluzive, i just would want it at a ,lower price.

no offense 2 ANY1 bt it is kinda a silly way of making u give up money just 4 a v3 tama with gold cour. and as i said, if it did war off, thats kinda cheap. as in not good.

congrats!!lucky you !!i wish i had it!!

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Wow cngrat!But you could have made in not so dramatic I felt like you were rubbing it in our faces.
:D Good 4 u

I agre tha u r very luky bu u dont av 2 leve it unopnd if i wer u i would opn it and play with it!

;) :lol: ;) :ph34r: :wacko: ^_^

By the way wot was your cmptition agen? yano the wow tha u entrd 2 win da big GOLDEN TAMA...

(Also i quote that this person may ov red da passage rong becaus i didnt think it wos rubd in owr faces)

If I had one of those I would probably done what I did with my old tamagotchi,drop it in mud,leave it out all night and find it broken sitting at the side of the road.

Congratulations on getting one though :blink:

I got a golden tama to ! Not the sovouneer,the real one!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Congrats on getting it. I was kinda late entering, so yeah...

I don't know why anyone's jealous, not everyone can get these. Besides they might have anothor one in probaly next year or a good amounts of months? They did say golden Tamagotchi of the MONTH.

I agree with you, I wouldn't open it or play with it. It's limited edition and valueble, I would stare at it too. If nothing happens to it, in the future it could be way worth more and maybe be forgetten(I don't think so.).

This is how I won the gold tama....

Its Sat.So my moms cleaning out the junk mail and my mom saw a mail from BanDai!She calls me downstairs.She said I ALMOST have goten the tama!(I entered 210 balets.)I just had to do the skill testing question.So I phoned my brother and told him the news.So I did the skill question.5 minutes later I was done.3 days later we faxed it.2 weeks later,at 10:00am,we were going to the Mall when...somebody gave me a package.I opened it.The tama was inside.I wanted to kiss the man!!!And I signed a paper and.....thats how I got the gold tama!!! :D

OMG You are so lucky!!!

Just like you, I got on the site every day and entered the answer to the question, but still nothing.

*Runs and sobs*

Opps. I'm not supposed to be envious!

Congrats on your Golden Tama. How is it? Hope your having a good time with it. :nazotchi: :pochitchi:

congrats but you should play with it it proablly has something diffrent that the other v3s dont have :blink:

I wouldn't sell it. You won it. It's your prize. YOU should have it. I don't know if I would play with it or not, but I definetly wouldn't sell it.

p.s. You were kinda bragging, but at least you apologized. I hate it when someone brags and doesn't apologize. thank you for apologizing. :mellow:

Lucky! i bet you are very happy! :mellow: :D B) :D :p :) :) :)

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