My Great Super Awesome V5 log


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[SIZE=21pt]Makiko mania!!![/SIZE]

Guess what??? I got a Makiko!!!! Strange though cuz my friend got a Makiko like an hour after I got mine on her v.4!!! Anyway, I'm gonna get her married tomorrow and hope to get 2 or 3 eggs. Actually cuz of school, I can't really train my tamagotchi's cuz every minute is like getting ready for the next day soooo... Plus if you wanna know how many after school clubs I go to here's your evidence:


Monday: School Homework*

Tuesday: Church + Netball

Wednesday: Choir + Violin lesson

Thursday: Orchestra + Swimming

Friday: Tuition

Saturday: Tuition + Piano lesson

Sunday: Church + Shopping + Language class


Thats my weekly planner. Plus by the little * next to School homework thats cuz I do my homework on a Monday as we have to give it in on Tuesday. Anyway, gotta go!!


I'm sorry you guys!!! its not my fault... well not all of it I guess. Heres why I could not come on:




Saturday, ah, yes, I do remember Saturday.

It was a fine, sunny morning. I hopped out of bed easily, not knowing what would happen the coming Monday... BUT that's another story. Yes, so as I was saying, I got out of bed, had breakfast got dressed and TRA-LAAAA!!! Out of bed and ready to go to... Tuition. (so it may not be the coolest place on earth but...)

After a great deal of time, I went to my piano class. The rest of the day went to making a gorgeous, choco chip cake and going to TESCO's.




Oh, yes. Sunday. I went to church in the morning and in the after noon, me and my Dad sat down and got all my Secondary school stuff sorted. It took ages!!!

[SIZE=21pt]Monday!!!(the day of the accident :( )[/SIZE]

It was actually a sunny day. I was gonna say a cold blustery day but... Anyway, I went to school as usual and it turned into lunch period. We were playing this game called Grandma Footsteps. Let me lighten this up before we go to the bad bits.

[SIZE=14pt]Grandma's Footsteps[/SIZE]

Firstly, you get a bunch of people.

Afterwards you pick one person to stand at one end of wherever you are. This person is the Grandma!!!

Next the remaining people stand way far back from the Grandma.

Here comes the game, it's a bit like musical statues. You and friends have to compete against each other to tap the Grandmas back. The first one to get it gets to be the Grandma.The hard bit is that the grandma gets to turn around randomly whenever he/she wants to. If she see's you moving then you get moved back a few steps.

Have fun!!!


Anyway, so I was playing and We reached the end. My friend Jemima won so me and my 2 other friends ran back. As we did I slipped. It was like being in the matrix because, as my friend told me, I was in the air for 4 or 5 seconds before I landed on the floor.I landed awkwardly and I felt a pain on my left leg and arm. I knew I had slipped but not how seriously or how much blood there was. I just laughed. NO big deal right? I looked around but everyone's jaw was already touching the ground as they surveyed my legs. I couldn't walk to the medical room so my buddies had to carry me there. Then I saw it. Deep red blood, drizzling down from my leg onto the carpet. I nearly fainted!!! I couldn't breath so the nurse told me to take deep breaths. She wiped the blood away and bandaged it. I was still in shock and my friends had to help me get out of the chair afterwards. The wound was stinging so much and I could practically see the blood. I went in to have my lunch and thats what happened.


I gotta go to bed now but... See You!!! (I might make a fan fiction story out of what happened on Monday.)

Hey guys!!! I'm really happy cuz one of my favourite dancing shows came back on... STRICTLY COME DANCING!!! I love that show!!! Plus I gave one of my old heroes some fan mail on her log yesterday, shes the one and only...

[SIZE=21pt]Tama Mama27[/SIZE]Heres what she said after I complimented her new log!!!


Thank you! I'm glad I started a new one, but I'm even more glad you like it! I've read your log too! It's really good! I can't wait for your next update! Thanks for reading!!! ;)

Cool eh!!! Anyway, I've been cleaning up all day cuz my Aunt & Uncle are coming from Holland to drop their son off into University!!!

WHAT!!! ;) :angry: :angry: I just added my Fan Fiction story and it hasn't gone up yet. Let me try again.


*Tries again*


Darv'it, Still won't work. I need a guide!!! :huh: :angry: :angry: :huh:

[SIZE=21pt] Decided to start a new family after... dare I say it... The Flames died... :D However I can't hatch them now cuz I've joined this Halloween Hatch! I'll be hatching on the 25th of October and then on Halloween the babies will be... ADULTS!!! Well, I've been busy planning my sisters party as well so, I'll see ya'll later![/SIZE]


*Cackles like a Witch*









Ok, I thought I might hatch my eggs today and wait for them to turn into adults just in time for the hatch! Anyway, they just hatched so YAY!!!


I got 2 boys and a girl. POOR GIRL! Hey this is De ja vu from my first generation of the Rose Family.

Anyway,here are the names:

Boy: Frank (Frankenstein)

Girl: Sabrina (the teenage Witch)

Boy: Drake (Dracula)

YAY!!! Thats the Halloween spirit! The girls name took A-G-E-S to come up with! Anyway here is what they are:

Frank: Futabatchi

Sabrina: Mimifuwatchi


In a matter of days they will turn into the friendliest but most Halloween friendly tama's in town! Awww, Frank went on the potty!!! Oh, I mean awww, Frank went on the mummified potty! Let me take them to Earth Expo! Be back in a second!

If any of ya'll want to go to tamatown with Frank go ahead:





And if you get anything good, give me the code! :)

172 posts ,eh. Not bad considering I skipped a few months.

Awww, they've gone to sleep or as my dad says, theyve gone to charge their batteries!

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I've decided to make a colour scheme for each tama! Here it is:




YAY!!! Now my posts will be C-O-L-O-U-R-F-U-L!!!


PS. The Spook Family have awoken from their horror sleep!


Mummy, when are we gonna grow up?

I can't wait to grow into a toddler! I'll be Count. Dracula for sure and you better watch out Sabrina, 'cause I'm gonna be after you.

*Drake makes scary sounds*


*Sabrina points to Drake and a zap of light turns him into a tama frog*

Good on Sabrina!

Good, that serves you right Drake!

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Don't worry you guys! Sabrina changed him back to normal again. Anyway, I'm gonna go check my e-mails!


They evolved! Yay! You might be thinking why I am at home at 1:48pm? Well I'm sick and I've gotta take a few days off school, don't call me a nerd but I wanna go school. Not cuz of the work though, cuz I miss my friends!!! ANyway, Results:

Frank: Mattaratchi

Sabrina: Sakuramotchi

Drake: Ahirukutchi

I'm pleased with Frank the most cuz I like how he has the broken teeth and it's nearly Halloween!!! It really ties in as my teacher would say! Anyway, I gotta go, but I'll be back!
