My Great Super Awesome V5 log


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I just trained them! However, I've still haven't got any bonds! :) I was just reading my log and I feel quite De Ja Vu ish about it now. Its like that song by Girls Aloud, I know how I feel about you now!!!


1,534 views eh, Mummy! We're famous!

I've always wanted to be a supertar!!! :p

Good, atleast you and Drake aren't fighting! ANyway, where is Drake?Ribbit! Ribbit! RIBBIT![SIZE=14pt]Ribbit!RIBBIT![/SIZE]

Uhhh, well, you see. Me and Frank thought it would be better to leave Drake as a frog.


Someones angry!

*Sabrina changes Drake back*


Uhhh, well, let me just handle this you guys, I'll be back in a second!

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I woke up in the morning today by the sound of the Spooks calling for training! I gave them the tambourine and got them up to 10% bonding! YAY MOI!!! Anyway, just to let you know, I've been in this obssession of saying "le petit fromage" which means the little cheese in french! Don't ask me why though...




Le Petit Fromage

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Hi, guys! I'm back! Right now, Frank is scoffing some stuff out of the fridge! Heres what I can hear:



Hi Fridge! Hows it going?

I'm good! How about you?

Well, Mummy's gone all french actually. She quite weird you know...HEY!!!

Oh, I mean, weird in a nice sorta way

Ok, have some ice cream.

Can I have some bread too? ANd maybe some butter and chocolate spread and some icing sugar and...

Well, I'll just leave him scoffing! :p

I'm loading up Earth Expo right now. On my computer it takes A-G-E-S... AND IT'S BRAND NEW! Anyway, Frank stopped eating a few minutes ago and then he let out what he ate from his hind side!

I just had some lunch and was playing on my Nintendo Wii when I realised I left the Spooks upstairs! I went upstairs and my brother had left them on the floor! Luckily they only lost 2 happy hearts an 1 hungry heart!

Hi guys! I just had an Ice choc! It's a rectangular ice cream coverind in a thin layer of chocolate!YUMMY!!! Mean while the Spooks were up to no good at all!!! Heres the NEW colour code that I came up with:




What is Mummy eating?

I dunno. Frank, do you know?

MmMmMmMm!!! I think its ice cream!


I wonder if he will ever learn? BYE!!!

Hi guys! I'm back... AGAIN! Anyway, I decided I liked this colour so I think I'll change Sabrinas colour into deep pink. Nothing really happened but I did get a pallet from the photo store at Earth Expo!!!The Spooks are really excited because I gave them some ice cream and their still hyper! Ah well, its their first PROPER ice cream so, I'll just let it go!

Hi guys! The Spooks went to sleep... AND I CAN SMELL PIZZA FROM BELOW!!! I LOVE PIZZA!!! ANYWAY, if any of you readers know how to contact Bandai by mail or e-mail or whatever PLEASE tell me! I've got some really interesting ideas for Bandai! Here are some samples:


Add a pen or some sort of touch ware


More programmes on the television like Sport, Fashion, Cooking, Kids etc.


You could put in some programmed events like if it were the Football league Championships there could be a reminder before it started!


Be able to play when you're watching the TV eg. If you were watching a Cooking show you could have a go on how to make what you've just seen!


When you visit another Tamagotchi's house you could select a game you wanted to play.


Each Tamagotchi could have it's own unique friend code and could send short text messages to other Tamagotchis!


The Tamagotchis could sign up for jobs to earn a little gotchi at Tamatown!


Some of them are great ideas but others are rubbish! Anyway, MY TUMMY IS RUMBLING SO I GOTTA GO CHECK ON THAT PIZZA!


The title says it all! The Spooks have evolved!!! Results:






Cute! Anyway, let me hand them over to you!





Yesss!!! We're finally teenagers! Now I can unleash my true powers!

Uh-huh, oh yeah! Now that I'm a teenager I'll get WAY more food!!! Mummy what times lunch???

What do you mean lunch, you've only just had breakfast! :p

I looka a little like a bat now! I'll probably be the scariest Tama when I'm older!!!


At least they are happy how they look! Gotta go now, bye!!!

Hi ya'll! I just had some lunch and a chocolate mousse! The Spooks called for training and now their at 20% bonds!!! YAY MOI!!!

Hi guys! I was just playing The Sims Pets 2 !!! I made a

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L house for a Family to live in! I also made one family with one cat! Their not married though, but I hope to get them married!!!

Hi guys! I'm playing Animal Crossing Wild world at the moment and the tamas are going to bed!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!???!!! I'VE GOT BLANCA!!!One moment!

Sorry about that, I got this weird cat on my game and I had to draw a face for it. Anyway, I've got some MAJOR news, one moment, I just need to copy something to show ya'll!
