my ichigotchi(the strawberry one) is weird!


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Dec 18, 2004
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it is running across its screen and when it gets to the right side it falls on its face! :D the fall is just like when it misses a jump on the hurdles this normal?also there is a wierd character that shows is like a bird/robot and it does nothing.when I press any button,it goes a way.any one know what this is?thanks :angry: runs like that on mine but there's no bird robot thing...????

the bird robot doesn't show up when its running and falling.different times.when the bird robot is the my tama just sits at the other side of the screen and watches it. :angry:

The "bird robot" is a Christmas tree. The falling is a normal animation that many of the characters do at random points during the day. All of the special animations stop when you press a button.

The Ichicgotchi thing is normal. I have had a few of those youngsters. Jeez they like doing ALOT!! LOL so anyways I think it is ALL normal... Except for the Ichigotchi itself LOL! LuV yA- ZELDA

Lol. My strawberry thing did that but theres was no robot thingy-majigy.

that robot thingy-magigy was probebly a cristmas tree.

My ichigotchi does the same. The bird thing was on my others but not now. I don't think its a x-mas tree because it look like it be talking.

I love the little Ichigotchis. Especially since they look like strawberries! You know what? Yesterday my Tarakatchi came up to the screen and kissed me!

My ichigotchi does the same. The bird thing was on my others but not now. I don't think its a x-mas tree because it look like it be talking.
You sure are ignorant.

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