My life is going pretty bad right now...


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2006
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Just a few minutes ago my dad was complaining that he couldn't find the database and I said 'Good." And he said 'No, not good. Harold's coming over today.' And I said 'No, Mom says he's not allowed to come over.' And he says 'Yes he is, who do you think you are anyway? Who are really being a brat.' And I say 'No, your just being a jerk. And Harold isn't coming over today.' He says' 'Yes he is!!! An shut up, you don't know anything anyway.' And I say 'No, there's onbly one idiot in this house and it's you! Oh my God, Dad, It's they day before Easter! Harold needs to stay home!' He says'It's only Easter! Our opportunities for working are very small.' I say 'No they're not! You work with Harold every day!' He says 'No, he was gone this last week!' I say 'Try to see beyond what you want sometimes.' And he says' Do you want to keep eating?' I say 'Not if it means Harold has to come over.' And he says 'You don't want to starve so if you say one mean thing to Harold, I'll hit you!' 'I say 'Go ahead, he's not allowed to come!' And Dad just storms off like A rhinocerous. I think I'll run away from home...Maybe not but Dad could at least be nice... Life isn't fair!!!!!!

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Ya I get in fights with poeple lots. The best thing to do is stay away from the for a while. Talk to your mom. Does she know he's coming over? Maybe she can stop it and tell her what your dad was doing to! That is all I can think of at the moment. Hope you get things straightened out!

Your dad is so mean! I suggest you do run away so he is never mean to you again and he will stop! Only run away to a friends house! Dont just run away where a stranger can kidnapp you!

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dont run away for too long or parents will call the cops and you'll be in big trouble then.....And also if your dad does hit you and Imean realy hit you hard call the cops on him......oh and one more thing who is harold?

Running away from something, isn't always the key... :eek:

Your Dad does love you, I'm sure he does, and everyone else. Its not fair on them if you ran away, (even somewhere close) and got them all worked up and worried.

But I understand what you're going through. :D

If I done that to my dad, I'd die!

I think about running away all the time, but then I realize I wouldn't have anywhere to live, I couldn't go on TT, and I couldn't have ice cream.

I really can't help, but I know, my life is bad, too.

Matchy :(

Well, I know you're upset, but you aren't exactly innocent here. You repeatedly spoke back to him in a rude fashion, called him both an idiot and a jerk, and generally displayed a poor attitude. Obviously, he was under stress because he lost the "database" and had to be ready for "Harold" to come over. By saying the things you did, you incited his anger. I know the "I'll hit you" bit was uncalled for, but really, I can understand why he said all the other stuff. If you don't want your dad to get irritated, maybe you should try not being rude to him? :(

Your dad had the right to say that...Well except for the hitting.

If you talk rudely to a guest, you need to be

disciplined by either having a talking to, or talking to the belt... :(

You should have went to your mom right after he said that, whoever Harold is,

is coming over. Then, there wouldn't have been any fuss at all.

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You're not completely in the clear here. You gave no backstory or explanation of this (I assume you just wanted to vent but I don't know why you'd do it publicly if we weren't going to know what you're talking about), but I believe it's your parents who control who walks into their house. You can't just say "No he's not coming" and they're supposed to go "Oh okay, gotcha."

Wow. I'm completely on his side. You were being a little brat by talking to him like that. Who are you to tell your father that he can't have someone over? Let your mom deal with him and stay out of his business.

Well, I know you're upset, but you aren't exactly innocent here. You repeatedly spoke back to him in a rude fashion, called him both an idiot and a jerk, and generally displayed a poor attitude. Obviously, he was under stress because he lost the "database" and had to be ready for "Harold" to come over. By saying the things you did, you incited his anger. I know the "I'll hit you" bit was uncalled for, but really, I can understand why he said all the other stuff. If you don't want your dad to get irritated, maybe you should try not being rude to him? :p
*nod nod*

Can't add anymore to that.

Wow. I'm completely on his side. You were being a little brat by talking to him like that. Who are you to tell your father that he can't have someone over? Let your mom deal with him and stay out of his business.
Agreed completely.

Parents make their own decisions, kids don't do it for them.

Wow. I'm completely on his side. You were being a little brat by talking to him like that. Who are you to tell your father that he can't have someone over? Let your mom deal with him and stay out of his business.
I totally agree.

Its his decision and you were being a brat mouthing off to him like that. He's the parent, not you.

Running away from something, isn't always the key... :p Your Dad does love you, I'm sure he does, and everyone else. Its not fair on them if you ran away, (even somewhere close) and got them all worked up and worried.

But I understand what you're going through. :angry:

What you said to your Dad was a harsh thing to say.

You're not a mean person, I know that.

It was out of anger for sure.

Families get into fights sometimes,

But what you need right now is a way to settle things down.

A silly little fight isnt worth running away from.

Of course your dad may be a little mad at you for calling him an Idiot, but now I suggest you pretend nothing happened

and be nice to your dad.

PM me for more tips.


Well, things are better now. But Harold is here and he broght his brat with him, so I have to babysit the three second attention span. :lol: I really don't like her, but I get paid so I do it anyway. Things are all patched up with Daddy at least...

By the way, thank you all so much for calling me a brat, It makes me feel so much better about my life. :D

Well, as far as I can see you were very rude to your dad. You called him names. Of course he was going to get angry.

Well, things are better now. But Harold is here and he broght his brat with him, so I have to babysit the three second attention span. :lol: I really don't like her, but I get paid so I do it anyway. Things are all patched up with Daddy at least...
By the way, thank you all so much for calling me a brat, It makes me feel so much better about my life. :D
It's good that things are better with your dad.

But please, face the truth. What you had said to your dad was a bratty thing to do. You can't always expect people to be nice, be on your side, and lie, saying things like, "Oh golly jee willikers, you did so good handling that situation! Acting like that is totally the solution!!"


Thanks, I really need you to lecture me on my behavior today.

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Thanks, I really need you to lecture me on my behavior today.
Someone's being quite sarcastic :|

All we're saying is don't say mean things. You were just as bad as your dad for saying that.


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