My lil' Tama Log!


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Hey, guys! Yay, 200 people read my log! TTHHHAAANNKSSS! let me catch you up. Lizzie passed her band auditions! Her Star Ranking is 9th and she has 46,404,423 Tama Fans.Well, that's it. Yep. Im' so bored and soo lazy. don't feel like typing.

I want some tacos. :p Lizzie is 3 yrs. old, so only 3 more days till she can get married. If she doesn't..., I would say..I have a defective tama. :p I just used a chest. yep u guessed it... it turned her to an oldie. ;) :p im not gonna freak out,im not gonna freak out..Lizzie is playing with her dress. Ha, that didn't sound right. I'll catch up with u later, I reaaly have nothing to say. My mind is quickly empting.wait, the letter z is missing! Help! Help! Z on the loose! Z on the loose!

[SIZE=10pt] If you found this ....yay! here, have a cookie!![/SIZE]


oops sorry. I'm out of bout some emoticons?


=P XD 8D @( ' . ')@ =@) ; ) = I this is for finding my cookies: >= (

[SIZE=10pt] Hey!! sorrryyyyy I haven't been posting, but I've been busy and.... never mind. The good news is... LIZZIE'S MARRIED!! [/SIZE] :D :D :D :D ah, I was so happy when Mr. Guitar-Dude came I was willing to accept whoever he offered. Lucky for me it was KuroMametchi! Yay!! I really wanted a Mametchi. :( oh ,well. The baby is a girl, and I reaaalllyyyy need help with some names. PM me a really nice, creative, cute name please! I'm horrible with names. :p Please! I'll ask one more time-PLEASE! ok thank you.ok now the king's here and he gave me a Rock CD. My 2nd one.Aww, my family looks so happy on my wittle tama screen! :lol: :lol: Status Update!

Age:7 yrs. old


Hungrey: 0000; Happy:0000

Stress: 00


Music Genre:R&B

Gen: 1



Toy: Bunny ( it's so cute!)

I don't have time to make this post fancy, because it's thundering outside.I wish I could stay and chat, but 1). I have nothing to say, 2). my mom is telling me to head off the computer and I do not wanna make her mad. At least not now. ;) bye!

[SIZE=10pt] Hi! [/SIZE] :D Well, yesterday, Kickthekan123 sent me a PM;

Guess what, crazie4tamaz! I'm proud to congratulate you that you have a regular! You know how stores have the regulars that go there often? Your Tamagotchi log has many regulars, I'm sure, and I'm one of them. Keep going!!!
Yay, this is exiting! Do I have anymore regulars out there? well, I have bad news. My tama's battery is low!! :( :( :( yesterday, when Lizzie's band had a concert, the low battery sign came on while the music was still playing. It was kinda funny, tho. Now I need some batteries!! Plus I want to start up my v4. The v4 is one of my fave versions. Long Live The V4! :lol: Iheard that if you feed the v4 only bread it'll turn into :D . I think it's that one. I'm going to try. So far,so good. I haven't saw that low-battery sign yet.I gotta talk to you later.My little sis want to get on the computer. I want a laptop. Later!

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

Good afternoon guys! :blink: I'm using the Name Generater here on TamaTalk to find a name for my little girl. I've seen some weird things like Tobub, Fozek,Werho. ;) I saw Rozes. That's cute, huh? Ooh look, here's Deva! :lol: :lol: I think I might name her Rozes if I can't think of nothing else.Ha, ha I found Fido!! :pochitchi: You guys still have a little bit of time before mom and dad leave to help me with a name.I used the pencil a few minutes ago, and Lizzie drew a clock and KuroMametchi drew, or tried to draw, Tamagotchi Planet. Sorry Kuro, it wasn't that good. :lol: I'm going to ask my mom when she's planing on ordering my Tamagotchi Plus Color.I'm not a very patient person. :rolleyes: Well, that's all for now!

Salut tout le monde!


(That's french for "Bye everybody!")

[SIZE=10pt]This morning I woke up and the parents had left so I named her [/SIZE]Rozes. She just evolved to a :( I'm hoping to get Chantotchi. Ok...the teacher just came and gave me a Dinosaur. What am I gonna do with that? I guess that's my cue that I can go jump-rope with the teacher. I don't feel like it. :p I don't feel like doing anything. Ooh, while you're at it check this out, It's the

The 25 Biggest Wusses In Music. I was surprised that Rascal Flatts made the list. Mad, actually! :D :angry: 'Till later guys!

Hi. The weirdest thing just happened.Oh, B-4 I say that, yesterday Rozes turned to a Ringotchi and today she turned to a Maidtchi. She's too cute! Well, I went to "AWAY", and my band members were Makiko and Memetchi. :blink: Then when thy were about to practice for the judges, the low-battery sign came up. Yes, the music was still playing, like what happened to Lizzie :blink: and her band. Well, I reset and downloaded, then went to away again. Then Makiko and Memetchi :blink: were at the bottom of the scree, like only their heads were showing. Then they changed to Maskgotchi :p and Chantochi!! :( :p I did that for a while, when I decided, "I need a new battery." Talk about freaky. :lol: I might get 4 batteries:One for my Music Star, one for my v4, one for my little sis so she can start up the v5 I gave her. And one extra one in case I'm crazy and wanna handle 3 Tamas at once: My Music Star, my v4 and my other v5.I'm gonna try that.well, that's all that happened so far. Bye till tommowow!!

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[SIZE=10pt] Hi. sorry i havent posted in like, a week, but my tama battery ran out and I couldn't find another. So I won't be posting till i find one. so sorrrryyy guys. But I'm working on a website! check it out at it's sooo awesome!!! Bye 4 now![/SIZE]