My little school tips


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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
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Well this one is really ment for people with a locker but just leave it in your locker and check it when the classes change and in gym and when it is lunch ive never been caught!

And the best one for people without a locker who can't hide their tama well im going to make this short and sweet Don't Bring Them To School D.B.T.S!


We already have a long running and active topic about exactly the same subject on this forum - it's right here: Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers


Please would you share any tips or tricks to keep your tama safe in that topic too?


We ask all our members to try to avoid making copies of the same topic. If we all use the same thread, it keeps all the useful and interesting info in one, easy to find place!


Many thanks! :lol:



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My school has lockers, but we're not allowed to use them, so all I have to do is put it in a little coin purse, and drop the coin purse in my purse. I'm able to play it at lunch right in front of the teacher, and I don't get in trouble. (Although, I have quite a bit of freedom, because I am in junior high)

But good tip though!


We don't have lockers but it is not problem to me because our teachers are blind! Others use their cell phones during their class and nobody sees it. They even play music with them so for me, it's easy to bring them to school.

Good tip!

But if you don't have locker you can like play with it at lunch or between the classes.

I think that you have to think the best way yourself because every school is different. But if your school is REALLY strict don't bring them if you are not master in hiding.

:( good tip. in my school i play it before and after school, in our free period, and at lunch. I dont want to risk getting my tamagatchi confiscated. I keep it in my pocket or purse during school. :D
I just turn the time on to nine (9) a clock PM and they go to sleep. Then I just leave them at home. When I come back (3 o clock) there STILL sleeping.

Good tip! I never brought them to school because I'm sort of worried they might beep during classes! -_-

wow thanks but i would be caught by my mom first so i do not bring them

Good tip! I never brought them to school because I'm sort of worried they might beep during classes! :D
You don't have to worry about that if your tama has a sound off feature! Holding down A and C will let you turn off the sound. :D

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