My log!


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Active member
Mar 7, 2008
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Hey i have the new v5 tamas!

my family name is storm. i got my tamas last sat. so i am starting this kinda late but oh well.

my tamas are teenagers. when they were born i named them

the oldest is Matt(boy)

the middle is Bell(girl)

the youngest is Billy(boy)

well thats all for now!

hello! i know 2 posts in one day kinda crazy huh!!!!

well ya know my 3 babies well there so cute they wanna talk to u guys!!!

Matt will write in red, Bell in orange, and Billy in blue!

Hey whatsup?? My name is Matt! i am a teenager and well i cant wait till i turn into an adult and get married and have a baby of my own!!! i know thats kinda weird but i just cant wait to get out of the house and i know my mommy is looking forward to grandkids so ya well talk to u later!! ill keep u posted!!


Hi i'm Bell i love to dance and play around with my brothers! we have so much fun fun fun!!! and well just like my twin brothers i am a teenager almost an adult! And well frankly i want to get married and have some kiddies of my own!! hahaha i will have some much fun with them!!! ill keep u posted!! ^_^


Hey hey hey! I am Billy! u know i would love to get married soon and have a kid or 2! but i just love kids so much!! ill keep u posted!!


hey heres a tip if u need to increase ur bonding! now set the time to 11:59am and in 1 min your tama will call for training so train it and the bonding will increase by 10% do this until it increases to 100%


Matt, Bell, Billy and me say ttyl!!!

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yayayayayayaya i am sooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! i got my tamas bonding level to 50%! YES half way there!! i got up that fast by using that tip i gave u!!! i discovered that u have to train them 2-3 times before the bonding level gose up!

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hey its me again so fyi plz PM me if u have any questions or coments!!!!

ahhh omg news flash!! i just got my tama's bonding level to 60 and omg, they do the cutest thing they kiss each other on the cheek and well its just sooo cute!!!

any who thanks for viewing guys up 2 21 posts!! thanks!!!

well i guess i ll sign off! ill get on tomorrow and ill tell u if my tamas have turned into adults! well any way i realized the reason that they are taking so long to evolve is cuz i have them travling all the time while i am at school............... so i realized that if i change the time to 9 pm they will go to sleep and they will continue growing! matt, bell, and billy have something to say to u!

night!! p.s. from matt i am talking to the fridge right now hahaha

hello hello omg my tamas were doing the weirdest thing they were looking at a bunny and 2 eggs i wonder what that means?

well they didnt turn into adults yet i wonder when they willlllllllll???? i want them too so bad!!!!

well bell wants to talk to u!

Bell:hey guys whatsup???? i just love talking to u guys its so fun well i am an chamametchi and i love being a teenager but i cant wait to get out of the house and become an adult hopefully i get choosen to get married and have a baby first hehehehe!!!

well i cant get the colors to show if u have any tips plz PM me and tell me how the color thing works!!

well my tamas are happy and healthy all the hearts are full

woops ok i just noticed that on march 8 at 7 06 i said that i had 21 posts well i ment that i had 21 views well now i have 35 views thanks for reading!!! now if u wanna read a great log u should read this log it squidward is cool's log!! its soo fun to read and so cool you'll love it!!!

i am going to try to get my level up 2 100 in the next couple of days i got there bondind up 2 70% and i am going to try for 80% i use that tip that i gave u it works for me almost every time! eeekkkkkkkkk now the bonding is up to 80% now when i press c they all come up close and u can see them its soooo cute well they still arent adults yet and i am sad :D but maybe tomorrow................. well matt bell and billy + me say ttfn!

k well i just figured out how to get the colors!!! thanks squidward is cool!! well now here are the colors for when my babies talk to u!!




Hey Matt here! Bell wanted me to tell u that since she already talked today she wont be on this post. SO just Billy and me will be talking to u! well i am not an adult yet which sucks!! well i think i know why no offence mommy but its cuz u let us go on vacation while she was at school but now i think that she knows now!

i know now Matt

hey its billy! i hope that mom lets me get married first as soon as i am an adult i know that bell wants to but i want to also well i think that Matt wants to stay living with mom or just go back to planet tama and shop around for someone!! so its pretty much between me and Bell! and bell ur going down! vote for me just PM my mom and say i vote for billy or i vote for bell. i think that my mom is going to make a poll soon!

well u heard him if u wanna vote him or bell just PM me or vote in a poll i might make! well l8r g8rs!

heyheyhey i got my tamas bonding to 100%!!!!! yayayayayayayaya and omg 40 views thanks for reading!! look i cant find out how to make a poll so just PM me if u want to vote for




member just PM me ur vote!!!

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k well i finally got a growth chart!! so here it is

egg takes literally couple of mins.

baby>child= 1 hour

child>teenager=2/3 days

teen>adult=3/4 days

adult>parent= depends on when you mate them

i made a poll see if u can find it cuz i cant hahahahaha!!! check this out!

I found a v.5 special code that fills up the happiness hearts.Its 04932 64130 when the present opens all your tamas start jumping like after u clean up there poo  


here is a password to get the Special Friendship key.

Password: 03750 91748

and here is a link to get alot of free stuff they really work trust me! now u have to go down a bit before u see them but they are there and they give u instructions on were to type the codes in




Some items can be used to change bad-care families back into normal families.


Large Family back to Normal Family

023 balance biscuit

110 mirror


Small / Petite Family back to Normal Family

024 milk

098 magnifying glass


Ninja Family back to Normal Family

047 steamed bun

099 whistle


Some items can be used to change one character into another.


Change Hatsugatchi into KuroMametchi

048 sesame pudding


Change Watatchi into Makiko

058 girl's dresser



Note: the above item numbers refer to those listed in the chart here:

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well my tamas still havent evolved i am guessing that they will evolve today or tomorrrow!! i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was reading lilanglebaby1989's log and if u read this lab1989 i just wanna tell u i love ur log so much its great very orginized and well i just love it when ur tamas talk to the computer!!! so if u dont mind i am going to start doing that hehehehe well if u dont want me to just PM me!!!

k well if u dont already know

Matt is green

Bell is purple

Billy is orange

hey it me smokin hot matt hahahahahah!

Matt!!!u dont need to announce that in front of everyone who reads this!!!

ya matt she's right

mommy its almost time for my dance class!!!!

hun, chill i wont let u miss ur dance class!

ya hun, just chill

dont copy me young man now get off the computer that is ur punishment for doing that!

awwww mom

do it now! and stay in ur room!

hahahaha matt!

billy do u wanna go 2??

no mom sry

thats ok hunny!

mom its time to go!!!!

k well i have to take bell to dance come on Matt and Billy get in the car with Bell!

Bye ya'll i'll be back! =)

were back and up to 60 views!!! thanks for reading tell me what u like most by PMing me and it could show up on my log here!!

hello again! how is everyone(if u wanna answer PM me plz!)?

well i am adding something to my key here is the modifiied version




when the boys talk at the same time

when Matt and Bell talk at the same time

when Billy and Bell talk at the same time

when they all talk at the same time

when i talk

oh Bell wants to talk to u!!!

Hola i just got back from dance!!I have a compation tomorrow!! i am like sooooo excited and i also can not wait for spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i still dont know what we r doing mom says its a suprise ill tell u when i get back cuz my mom isnt taking her computer with us!!!ohhhhhhhhhh its going to be so much fun!!!! my brothers are probaly like omg she is so annoying!!! omg guess what if one of us gets married before spring break then i wont get to go unless i am the one that gets married ooooo i reallly wanna get married and take my baby on spring break w/ me but i know my brother billy wants to too..........

hey omg they are doing that thing where they look at the 2 eggs and the bunny again i wonder why they are doing this????they are also moving back and fourth while watching its so weird i wonder if that means that they are going to evolve and one of them is going to get married or something like that i wounder??????

well the tamas wanna say bye ill put them on! bye and we will talk to u later!!!

k its me again they still havent evolved and if they dont do i tommorrow i am going to be really sad :p well i guess ill go and chat with some peoplenow if u like the log tell ur friends about it!! well l8r g8rs!

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BIG NEWS!!!!! but first Matt Bell and Billy we got mail and a vote on the poll!!!! oh cool!!!

I got your PM earlier, and I read you log and saw my name in there! Thanks for commenting my log, and I just love your log! Bell is one of my favorites, but Matt is cool too!
that is from Lilanglebaby1989i replyed

Your welcome, thanks, and no problem! Matt and Bell say thanks for saying that we are one of ur favorites!!!
well here is the big news!!! drum roll plz!!!!!!!!! I GOT ANOTHER V5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are soo cute they are babies

here are there names and types




now there arent enough colors for them so i will but there names in front of the txt and make the txt color black for example


well bryan kimmi and bobby are not brothers and sister to Matt Bell and Billy they are really close family to those 3

speaking of billy i got a vote in the poll and it is for billy so its billy:1 and bell:0

lets put billy on

wow i am just sooooo excited that i got a vote keep on voting for me!!!!!!!! member if u cant find the poll vote my PMing and say i vote for billy!!! thanks GotchiBoy94!

now lets put on Bell!

well i think that it's just not fair i mean i am wayyyyy cuter than billy i mean who would vote for him???come on people vote for me before its to late if we turn into adults before i get 2 votes then billy gets married but if u i get 1 vote too then mommy will marry Matt even if he dosnt want toooo so PM my mommy or find the poll and vote for meee!!!!!!!!

well u heard them and just like Bell said if its a tie ill marry Matt!!

any way..... well i have run out of stuff to long!!! and bryan, kimmi, and bobby say- boo(that means bye in baby talk!)

and i say as always l8r g8rs!!

OMG thanks for reading 129 views!!!!!!!!!! ekkk u readers are the best!!! we all say thanks for reading including Bryan, Kimmie, and Bobby!!!

k well i know i just posted a min. ago but bryan kimmie and bobby became toddlers!!

Bryan is a mousetichi

Kimmie is a tororotchi

Bobby is an ahiruku

yayaya i am so excited now i am going to connect them with Matt Bell and Billy!!

omg 200 views thanks guys!!! getting off now all 6 of my tamas say adious!!! thats bye in spanish! l8r g8rs!!

well the strangest thing happened well i was getting ready for school when i happend to look at my tama group Matt Bell and Billy and i saw that they transformed and i didnt send them to the dating show till after school so i could tell u what they evolved into. so i got home and i couldnt wait for the computer to load so i wrote down the types and tried the dating show and i didnt work the matchmaker lady just yelled at me i guess that they were kids insted of teens like i thought so now i think that they r teens so my bad from before well here are the types!




well my other 3 tamas r doing great!!!!!!!!!oh bell wants to talk to u

Hi hi guess what now u have another day to vote for me so vote for me now i know 211 people have already viewed this so why havent u voted yet??????vote already!!!!!!!! now i have 2 go bubbles has to check her grades!

from all of us including bubbles and Bryan, Kimmi, and Bobby bye and l8r g8rs!

i am testing colors lilanglebaby1989 gave me a list of ones not shown so now bryan kimmie and bobby can have there own colors!!!so now this color is bryans!here is the new modified color key!







now actually i am going to type in light blue and fyi if u need to know my name call me bubbles!!

if u want the list just PM me that u want it and i will give u the colors and how to put them on

well i forgot a code ill put it on

this is for when everyone talks excluding me unless they say including bubbles


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