My Mother...


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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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She's really making me annoyed, sad, and nervous. I can never say anything to her, because I'll get in trouble for nothing. I try to tell her about how I roleplay and it strengthens my writing skills, and then, she yells it's frying my brain and when I try to explain, she yells "Shut up!". And I try to tell her how I miss my best friend who moved, and she was all: "Shut up. Your 11. You shouldn't be crying about some boy moving. Grow up.". She don't understand me, and it's hurting.

Telling me to talk to her and explain how I feel is as good as jumping off a building. Been there, done that. The only thing I can think of is to move in with my dad. He's extremely kind and understanding. But then I still love my mom, even though she makes me feel bad most of the time, there are times when she is fun and I absolutely love her. Thats why I cry at night, too.

I try to explain how books take you on another adventure and can give you feelings, like a friendship, towards the main character. Her responce:

"It's just a book. You read it, your not supposed to have feelings for it. Your not normal."

Why does she tell me to let my imagination and dreams soar when they are anchored down because of her? My dad is completely understanding of what I say though. So Is my sister, and neither live with me. I'm stuck in this house that she never lets me out of with her. I mean, we just sit here. All week. Untill I go to my granparents/school/grocery store. I'm sick of this life. It's because of HER that I have no life. She's anchorin' down my dreams and my hope. Slowly draining it outta me.

That's depressing. Maybe you should spend some more time with your dad until your mom sorts out her problems and you sort out yours. It would probably be better for you, too.

Try and spend some time alone, or somewhere else.

That's really sad, but you really are blessed to have someone to help you. Try thinking positive and developing more confidence... it could change your life :)

For me, that's going to far. I am not telling you to talk to her, understand that now.

The best thing you can do is make it obvious that you are uncomfortable with her, like writing fake stress notes to her and leaving them where she can see them or fidgeting and being quiet around her. If she sees this she will get teh idea and hopefully lighten up. She would be heartbroken if you went to live with your dad, but if that's what you have to do to show her, do it. Read more around her, too, she will get the idea you like it.

It's like she is verbally abusing you, not by cussing or whatnot but by bringing you down? If so, that's not good. It's not a good idea to fight/verbally abuse her back because all you make is a bigger mess and it's basically doing no good.

As for you friend, he is gone, I can't tell you anything but you are crying over spilt milk. Times in life are hard, and that will be one of them. One day, you'll look back and laugh on it. Trust me.

All in all, do whatever possible to show her that you are uncomfortable, she will get teh idea soon enough.


your mother is your mother, not your tyrant.

you can do what yu want to do, as long as it's not something stupid.

reading is not stupid. nor is crying if you're sad. if she doesn't see that, she's lost.

keep living happily, don't let your mom stop that.

The only thing I can suggest is to be bluntly honest with her and so what if it starts a fight, from the sound of she needs a swift kick in the rear to bring her back to reality and the life of being a mother. Tell her straight out that you want to move in with your dad. When she asks why, tell her the truth. She can seem to be bothered to talk to her own daughter, she seems to think that anything her daughter is interested in is bunk, and you are tired of it. That might be just what she needs. I know when my mom started pulling crap like this I told her I was going to move out and she changed completely....its wierd how almost losing your child can bring you around.

Sorry if that isnt much help, I know you said that people telling you to talk to her wont do any good but it is the only option I can think of that might do the trick. Good luck with her, sounds like you might need it.

^_^ I am so sorry for you.

It seems to me that your mum has lost the meaning of motherhood, and now she's kind of becoming a control freak.

About the books, I think that's completely uneccisary to say things like that. It is definately putting you down, and putting you off what you love. Your mum should be happy that you love to read so much, and I think the more you read, the more you learn.

What you have to remember is that your mother loves you, no matter what. Walking away from her and going to your father's wouldn't make the problem any better. It would pull the family apart and make this whole difficult situation worse.

The only advice I have for you is to continue what you love doing and what you think is right. Honestly, I think she's got a few problems (no offence), but it's more than likely only so she doesn't lose you.

The other thing I could suggest is to have some time out from your mum, liike doing stuff with your friends more often. She should get the idea that she has hurt you.

Or, option number 3 is to show her this topic if you can't tell her yourself. It might hurt her, but guess what? It's the truth and it's how you feel.

Best wishes for you and your mum ^_^

it sounds like she is verbally abusing you.

you should tell someone, and hopefully you two can take counseling, to understand eachother.

if that is not to work, try to move in with your dad. explain to him the things your mother says, and that you are getting depressed because of her.. he'd probably try to gain custody of you.

Well, maybe you can go spend a week or two with your dad, and then spend some time alone with you. ^_^

Maybe it's just her attitude is like that because she got a divorce, or something else major that makes her act like that. When she isn't grumpy or cranky, then you can ask her something like, "Mom, has anything made you really really sad in the past?" or something other. ^_^

Good Luck with your mom! :ph34r:

Sometimes you just have to pick your battles.

If she doesn't like if you talk about RP, then don't talk about it with her. Find someone else. If it peevs here and makes her irritated about how you love books [which IS an okay thing- being a book worm is good, too] then don't bring it up.

I like the ideas others have mentioned about showing non verbally how on edge you feel around her and maybe someday she'll ask.

Parents can be moody too. I'm sure you're moody sometimes and she is too. If she starts a fight, just don't fight back. Let her have the last word instead of adding something else onto which creates a bigger fight for something that doesn't really matter. What does it matter if she gets the last word anyhow? It doesn't and will save both of you trouble and pain.

Try to talk about what she feels like talking about at that time. Share your feelings when you can but what's it worth if she's already getting irritated?

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