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Active member
Jun 18, 2010
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Kuchipa Forest!
my music city acount is gone i saved the password and user with those little boxes and ive had it for at least 2 months! its now gone! :D :lol: :D

has this happend to any of you if so reply in the comments!

And should i write a letter to bandai asking if they can recover it?? ;)

2 months with the same password... I change my password every week.

You said in the tamatown and e-tamago that your account got reset too... and that your room has stayed normal... How did you know that if you can't get into your account? When did you notice that it doesn't work?

I don't think that you should write a letter to bandai about this... probably they wouldn't answer ( I've tried a month ago, still they haven't asnwered) And by the way my account got reset today too... :lol:

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my music city acount is gone i saved the password and user with those little boxes and ive had it for at least 2 months! its now gone! :angry: :angry: :angry: has this happend to any of you if so reply in the comments!

And should i write a letter to bandai asking if they can recover it?? :angry:
Music City is under Renavation.

@ kapteeni do you think that we will get back our account? btw my account worked YESTERDAY thats how i know my room stayed the same and i treid to log on today and it didnt work maybe i shouldve explained that! so sorry! :angry:

but anyways do you think we will get back our accounts? :angry:

i thought the same thing but now i just went on and that it was fine. i was guessing it was on renavation for the tama-go tamatown

@ kapteeni do you think that we will get back our account? btw my account worked YESTERDAY thats how i know my room stayed the same and i treid to log on today and it didnt work maybe i shouldve explained that! so sorry! :D but anyways do you think we will get back our accounts? :)
I have my account in safe it just reset... you know CD level:10th bronze, level:1 ....points:0

I can login to my account normally and I have already fixed this reset thing, I got everything what I needed back.

Hmm... Ilovemakiko, did you put the right link? I can't just find anything information which would be useful in this topic... I found more information hereI have totally fixed my account and reset haven't happened anymore...

Hmm... Ilovemakiko, did you put the right link? I can't just find anything information which would be useful in this topic... I found more information hereI have totally fixed my account and reset haven't happened anymore...
Your right. That was the link for a question about Tamagotchi themes for phones. Thanks for catching my mistake. Ill edit.

I meant to put this link:

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